Page 17 of Beautiful Beast

I could tell him how my father beats me or how I’m scared he’ll do the same to Nadia, but I get the sense telling Erik anything vulnerable and honest will not end well. He might use it to his advantage, and I can’t risk Nadia getting more hurt.

So, I stay quiet and keep my gaze locked ahead of me. I can feel Erik looking at me before he finally turns away.

We leave the church and walk to a car out front that will take us to the reception.

Erik opens the back door for me. I don’t want to turn my back to him, which I know is irrational. He’s not going to murder me on my wedding day—not with all our guests standing outside watching us leave.

Erik keeps his steady, intense, intimidating gaze on me as I finally get the courage to slide into the car. He gets in beside me and shuts the door, muffling the cheering of our guests.

A man gets into the front seat and drives the car away from the church. Thank god we’re not alone. For now. But soon, once the wedding is over, I’ll have to be alone with Erik, and that’s not something I’m sure I’m ready for.

“You did good back there.” His voice startles me.

I don’t know how to reply to that, so I just stay silent.

“A lot of people would’ve run kicking and screaming from me. But you didn’t. Why didn’t you?”

My throat is dry as I talk. “You threatened the life of my sister, remember? That tends to make people comply.”

He raises one perfectly groomed eyebrow. “Interesting. So, you care about your sister.”

“She’s my sister.”

“Not everyone cares about their siblings.”

“Do you?”

“I don’t have any, so I can’t say I do. But I wasn’t talking about after I threatened your sister’s life. I was talking about when you were walking down the aisle. You didn’t run then. Why not?”

“Because it’s my duty to marry you.” The more I talk, the less afraid I become. If I can just keep Erik talking long enough, then maybe he’ll never get the chance to hurt me.

“You’re a good girl, then?”

I force myself to look at him. “I’ve never dated, if that’s what you’re wondering.” It’s common custom among the Bratva that girls are virgins until their wedding nights. My father never let me date, and I never tried to. If I had, I probably would’ve been beaten to within an inch of my life.

“That wasn’t what I was wondering, but good to know. Your father made it clear you were a virgin. Glad to know I wasn’t lied to.”

I shudder. “You’re disgusting.” The words come out before I can stop them.

Instead of getting angry like I thought he would, Erik laughs. It’s not a humorous one. It’s filled with utter darkness. “I’ve been called many things in my life, but disgusting is not one of them. The boogeyman. The devil. Plain evil. But never disgusting.”

I stare out the window without a word. I’ve learned from my father that if I backtalk, I get hit. I don’t want to take the risk that Erik might be the same.

“Why disgusting?” he asks. When I don’t answer him, he places his hand on my thigh, making me gasp. “Anya, answer me.” He doesn’t grip my leg hard. In fact, he doesn’t grip my legat all. His hand is just resting there, silently telling me he wants my attention.

I lick my dry lips but keep my eyes glued to the window. “It’s disgusting that a woman’s value is in her virginity.”

“I agree.” His words shock me so much that I turn to face him. “But I don’t make up the rules,” he continues. “It’s expected that you’re a virgin because it’s how it’s always been done. I want my children to be mine.”

I scrunch up my nose. “They have DNA tests for that.”

“True. But this is more fun.” He flashes me a charmingly dark grin that makes my stomach flutter. It’s unsettling, is what it is. “Now, tell me, Anya, how amIdisgusting exactly? Are you not pleased by the way I look?”

“I don’t want to talk.”

“Why not? We’re married now. Shouldn’t we get to know one another?”

I look at him more closely. “Do you really want to get to know me?”