Page 2 of The Blood Shadows

His intuition is telling him something, but his conscious mind is dismissing it. Humans rarely used the gifts they were given in this life preferring to trust only their faulty eyes and ears. He noticed the young man flinch and look at his finger there was a small cut there perhaps a paper cut. Nox automatically took a step closer moving with the shadow of the wall. He was compelled to approach but held back fighting the push that he was feeling in his mind.

The scent of this man's blood touched the air, and he took a startled breath. The smell was sweet and full and overwhelming. Nox filled his lungs with the intoxicating aroma and released it on a slow breath. The effect was immediate and consuming.

He had an idea what this was, but it was unbelievable. No one like him had ever experienced a moment like this. His mother had told him that demons were not gifted forever like other paranormal beings. But she got all her information from the demon who betrayed her, so everything he said must be viewed as suspect.

Nox continued to stare at the young man his interest going from mild to extreme in a matter of seconds. Suddenly everything about him was magnified his presence was feeding Nox’s excitement and he had to get himself under control before he inadvertently outed himself to the human. He moved back further into the darkness but maintained a watchfulness.

The young man answered his phone, and his agitation touched Nox. The caller was yelling and demanding money for rent, for bills, for absurd things and he heard the name Ian. His human was named Ian, and the simple sound sent a surge ofrecognition through Nox. He knew this man somehow he knew him. Ian closed the call cutting off the belligerent caller. Good whoever he was he deserved to have more cut off than just this call.

Nox was absorbing Ian’s feeling of upset, and it felt odd. Feelings were pretty foreign to him, because he could not connect with people and things. He mourned his mother, and he celebrated his inclusion in the Rose Coven, but apart from that, simple feelings like being upset rarely touched him.

This man was something special and every minute he spent watching and following him Nox felt his heart and mind reaching and connecting. Ian was average height and average weight and probably to most people in this city would be considered average, but not to Nox.

Nox saw the soft waves of his light brown hair curling at his shoulders and longed to touch it. He noticed the sparkle in his hazel eyes, and it thrilled him. The lovely curves of his body sent shock waves through Nox. This was his beloved, and it would seem that Fate, in her infinite wisdom and generosity, had honored him with a bond, a match, and a connection. She gave him a young man named Ian.


Ian hurried and closed the call, not in the mood to listen to Ron's demands and his whining. He took a large share of Ian's income, but over the last few months, Ian had gradually cut back because he was eager to have enough to move out and never have to look at Ron ever again. Ian wasn't looking forward to going home. Ron was in a hell of a mood, and Ian hanging up on him would not go well in his favor.

Dropping his phone back in his pocket he quickly got back to work. The night had been odd from start to finish. Every room seemed to feel heavy and expectant. Ian had looked over his shoulders repeatedly because he was swamped with the feeling of being watched.

Then there was that aroma, it was light but filled his senses it smelled like cotton candy but there was nothing in the entire building that could cause the smell of cotton candy. Every corner of every office was filled with the aroma of cotton candy.

It wasn’t overpowering just there floating on the air making every space smell nice. What confused him the most was the fact that it made him excited and not scared or concerned. His instincts were telling him that whatever it was it was good, and he had nothing to fear. There was no reason for him to feelthis way but just as some instances filled a person with dread others filled them with hope and Ian felt hope in the presence of this aroma.

He wondered if it were a passing spirit or a positive energy that had been left by someone earlier in the day. Whatever it was, Ian took several deep breaths and appreciated the confidence and the hopefulness that spread through him.

"Damn, the place was spooky tonight." Joe, one of the other custodians from Ian's floor, commented as they were all clocking out. "Something was moving through the place, and it gave me the fucking heebie jeebies. Did you feel anything strange, Ian?"

“No, seemed fine to me.” He wasn’t going to mention the cotton candy it would just start a discussion, and Ian didn’t have time to be standing around. Several others made similar observations to Joe and Ian began to wonder why their experiences were so negative.

“I’m bringing some sage tomorrow.” One of the older ladies commented. “I don’t want anything weird following me home.”

"Salt water will protect you." Another joined, and at that point, Ian checked out of the conversation and headed out the door. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the streets were still drenched in long shadows, but Ian simply ducked his head down and hurried to catch the train.

He didn't give the impression or look like anyone who would have money or valuables, so he'd never been bothered. That was until today when a man lunged at him from an alleyway, grabbing him by the hair and knocking him off balance. Ian fell hard onto the cold, wet pavement. Normally, he would have been paying better attention to his surroundings,but his thoughts were on the strange presence he'd felt while working, and now he would pay for his stupidity.

The guy was holding a knife to his throat and straddling him where he lay. Ian had nothing to give him, and his mind was in a panic as he wondered if he was going to survive this attack. Then his fortunes shifted when a force plowed into the side of the guy holding him down, and he flew off him and hit the brick wall to the left of where Ian lay.

All he saw was movement and shadow, but the guy flew down the alley as if thrown by a powerful force. Ian couldn't see clearly what was happening or who was helping him. He clutched his throat, checking for cuts, but the knife had not injured him, thank God. He'd walked this route since starting the job downtown and had never had an issue until now. The guy wasn't just going to rob him. He was going to kill him.

Ian struggled to his feet and brushed off his clothes as he watched the man who had just saved him walk toward him down that dark alley. He was tall and dark and wore a full length black coat. He wasn’t grungy he was well dressed the suit and tie were pristine as was the trench coat. He was someone important and he went out of his way to save Ian.

"Are you a cop?" It seemed the most likely reason for the assistance. The man shook his head; no, but it was just a brief movement. His eyes were as dark as his hair, and he seemed to take Ian in with a silent intensity that devoured.

"My name is Nox Samara. The man ran off injured, so I don't believe he will bother you again." The man's voice was deep as gravel at the bottom of a dark pit, but it was a tone that registered with Ian as pleasing. Ian smiled and held out his hand to Mr. Samara.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Samara. I'm Ian Mathews and thank you for your help sir.” Mr. Samara looked at the hand and then at Ian and then back at the hand as if surprised by the action and then took hold in a grip that was significant but not showy. He continued to look at Ian as if he was studying him or waiting for something, but Ian just smiled and thanked him again.

“My pleasure and you can call me Nox.” He said and slowly let Ian’s hand slip free of his. “May I buy you a cup of coffee?" He gestured to the shop off to their right it was one Ian often grabbed a cup at before heading to the train station.

“Thank you I’d like that.” Ian wasn’t sure why he was agreeing sitting with a stranger and having coffee was not something he would usually enjoy but for some reason he didn’t want this man to walk away. He stood a good five inches or more taller than Ian and he was dressed like someone who held an important job. Why he would insert himself into Ian’s problems and invite him for coffee was a mystery that held Ian intrigued.

He also found the guy very attractive and sexy in a dark and deadly way. Dangerously attractive would perfectly describe him. He sat Ian at a table outside and then within minutes he was back with two coffees and set one in front of Ian. Once they were both seated and comfortable Mr. Samara asked him if he was okay.

“That man roughed you up.” He stated and then added. “Would you like to see a doctor?”

"No, thank you. I'm okay; I'm just startled more than anything and feeling a little stupid. I wasn't paying attention, and that can be dangerous." Ian drank his coffee and watched as Nox sat there looking completely out of place and yet comfortable. Ian would kill for such confidence and self-awareness. Strangely enough, Ian could also detect the scent of cotton candy. Maybe he was having a stroke or something because it was similar to what he smelled at work.