Page 37 of This Moment

“No, I don’t see the reason in telling them. Sometimes, I think the past belongs in the past and is best kept there for everyone’s sake, like you said earlier.”

I smiled softly.

We sat silently for a few seconds before Kian said, “This is The Green, where I mentioned that they have concerts and other events during the year.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“That pizza place right there,” he said, pointing to a restaurant next to The Green. “Best pizza you’ll ever eat in your life.”

“Really?” I asked, brows raised. “That’s a pretty bold statement.”

“It’s the truth. You’ll have to try it sometime.”

A part of me was disappointed that Kian hadn’t offered to take me there for dinner or lunch sometime. I shook off the disappointment and took in my surroundings. If I had to pick a place to hide, I did an excellent job picking Moose Village.

“It’s so beautiful up here. It might be my imagination, but the air feels cleaner here.”

“It is beautiful, and no, I agree with you. But I’m coming from New York City, and anything is cleaner than there.”

I chuckled. “Did you like living in the city?”

He shrugged. “I did at first, but it got old pretty quickly. I’m sure my long hours added to the dislike of living there.”

It grew quiet, and I looked over to see Kian in deep thought. What I wouldn’t give to know what he was thinking about. At that moment, he turned and looked at me. His eyes grew darker, and my lower stomach tugged with something I didn’t want to recognize.

“I think as you get older,” he started, “you start thinking about other things. Like life and settling down somewhere with a wife, and maybe a kid or two. I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Maybe that’s what happens when you turn thirty-three. You think about how much time you wasted on things that didn’t matter…or people who didn’t matter. Instead, you want to experience moments that you will remember and cherish.”

“Like this moment.”

He turned and looked at me, a surprised expression on his face. “Yes, exactly like this moment.”

Turning my head, I looked out over the lake. I had an overwhelming sense to share my story with Kian. Could I trust him? Would I want to put him in danger was the question I should ask myself. Something told me I could trust him, but I’d only known him for a couple of weeks. My need to spill my guts wasn’t as crucial as keeping Kian in the dark about my past. At least my most recent past.

Kian’s phone dinged with an alert as he looked down at the screen. “It’s Opal asking me to give her a call.”

“Go ahead. I think I’m going to walk down to the water.”

He smiled and hit the Call button on his phone. Walking down toward the water, I took in how I was feeling. Ithad been the first time in months I had felt so carefree. I wasn’t looking over my shoulder; I didn’t freeze whenever I saw someone I thought I knew. Today had simply been a relaxing and fun day.

I wrapped my arms around myself and took in the serene scene before me. The lake was calm and reflected the trees and blue sky. I could see why it had been named Sky Lake. If you didn’t know any better, you would think there were two skies.

“Hey…umm, are you free for dinner?”

Turning, I smiled when I saw Kian standing there, a slight blush on his cheeks.

“Craving pizza?” I asked in a teasing voice.

He laughed. “Actually, Opal is making her famous clam chowder and invited me over. When she found out I was with you, she extended the invite to you as well.”

“Oh,” I said, looking everywhere but at him. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“Hey, Cadie, you’re definitely not intruding. Besides, what are you going to do? Go back to an empty cabin?”

“I still have my room at the inn.”

He screwed up his face. “No way you’re staying there another night.”

I was positive my eyes went as wide as saucers. “What do you mean?”