“The Moose Village Inn is decent, but you need a nice bed until you get your furniture. You can stay at my folks’ house.”
“With you?” I nearly shouted. “I’m afraid people would get the wrong impression.”
Kian leaned in and with a smirk said, “What’s wrong with me?”
Confused, I asked, “What do you mean?”
“Is it so bad to have people think we’re…you know?”
I took a step back. “I’m not interested in…you know.”
He held up his hands. “Whoa, neither am I, but come on, I’m not that bad of a guy to be rumored to be…you know.”
I looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “Kian, the one thing I have found out about this adorable town is there is a gossip mill that would put any other small-town gossip mill to shame.”
“Yeah,” he mumbled as he rubbed at the back of his neck. “I know. The good news is, I’m not staying at the house. I’m staying at the guest house, remember? You’d be up there alone. Well, not alone, Sally lives there. She would love the company.”
“Sally?” I asked. That was the second time he had mentioned her, and I heard Macy mention that name to Opal as well.
“Yes. She’s like my second mother. Pretty much raised us kids.”
My heart tugged a little. The idea of not sleeping on that god-awful mattress at the inn was appealing. And knowing I wouldn’t get the furniture in for at least three weeks and having to stay at the inn wasn’t appealing.
“Sally would love for you to come and stay. Think about it, another almost what was it…three weeks? That’s when your furniture will be delivered, right?”
I sighed. “Yes, three weeks. I can just get a blow-up mattress or something.”
“You’re not getting a blow-up mattress, Cadie. No one will be in that big house, so you might as well use it. There are five guestbedrooms.”
“Five!” I cried out. “Five bedrooms that are just for guests?”
He laughed. “Let’s talk about it on the way to Opal’s. She said dinner will be ready in about an hour. By then, my ice cream will have worn off.”
“I don’t know, Kian.”
“If you’re uncomfortable staying there, we can get you a blow-up mattress. How does that sound?”
Smiling, I replied, “Okay. Fair enough.”
As we walked up the hill, I turned back and looked at the lake. I scanned the other side and noticed large homes tucked back into the trees. I couldn’t help but wonder which one was Kian’s family home.
The screen door creaked open, and I turned to see Opal coming out with two cups. Kian had said he needed to make a few phone calls for a case back in New York. His friend who had taken over his clients needed answers to a few pressing questions.
“I wasn’t sure if you liked tea or hot chocolate, so I went with the hot chocolate.”
Taking the warm cup, I breathed through my nose and moaned softly. “I haven’t had hot chocolate in years.”
“That’s a crime, Cadie! Why not?”
I shrugged. “Just never think about making it. I like hot tea, though, and make that a lot.”
“I’m a fan of hot tea, but you know that from how much I make it at the bakery.”
A small chuckle slipped free before I sipped the hot chocolate. “Oh, Opal, this is the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had.”
A wide grin appeared on her face. “Thank you, sweetheart. I make it myself.”
“The hot chocolate?”