“Bash, baby. I have to go. This is step number one to us freeing me for good, ok?” Her voice is so calm, but I feel nothing but terror. I’m shaking, my fingers trembling as they grip her shirt. “Bash,baby,” she says again.
Her voice is more tense. I’m making shit so much worse. I grab her phone and input my number, doing anything I can think of to ensure some sort of safety for her. I make her save it as her own shaking fingers comply.
“Call me if anything happens. Immediately. I can’t lose you, Lina Girl. I won’t survive it this time. I won’t,” I sob quietly. Tears fall from her eyes as she touches her forehead to mine.
“I don’t want that either. I love you so much, Bash Cox,” she says as she throws herself at me and we kiss hungrily. I’m losing myself in her taste and soft lips when she shoves me back without warning and exits the car as quickly as she can. I scream at her not to go, banging the steering wheel in my fit of terror. She adjusts her clothes then walks away quickly, with only a single look back.
I have to leave him.
I have to.
If I don’t, this will never end.
Luke has to die.
And I’m freeing everyone else in the process too.
So, I leave Bash in the car. He’s crying and hammering his already fragile fists on the steering wheel. I turn once to see him for strength, then look back to where I’m heading. Because right now, if I don’t keep walking towards the bar, I’ll lose my nerve.
One foot follows the other as I approach the shady establishment. It’s daytime, but there’s a crowd for this shift too. It’s not as lucrative, but money is money to Luke, and he turns a profit. As for the bartenders and dancers, I can’t say the same. The customers definitely aren’t as friendly with tip money when the sun’s up. Fucking daylight regulars.
The neon sign is blinking haphazardly above the door. The Bengal Bar. For whatever reason, Luke thinks tigers are the animals who symbolize him. He’s always wearing their stripes in some form and the entire bar is covered in the animal’s print. I close my eyes and send a silent prayer up into the sky to a god I don’t believe in.
Just let me get in and get out without issue.
Chapter Twenty-Three - Then
I still can’t fucking believe she gave me headbecause she wanted to. I mean, what? I stare at her as she washes her body, moving shyly and turning away from me to clean herself between her legs.
She’s so fucking cute.
And she put my fucking cock in her pretty mouth. I’m fucking dying tonight I realize. Just not how I had originally intended.
Alina fucking Timber.
What have you done to me?
We’re both quiet as we wash ourselves and I’m somewhat relieved by that. It gives me time to think over the evening and relive every perfect second I’ve spent with Bash. He smirks as he watches me graze my breasts as I soap up and I can’t help but increase the motion as he keeps his eyes on me.
I love it when he watches me do anything.
I felt so self-conscious at first, because I thought he was judging me. But I realized throughout the night that he’s just very observant and enjoys silence as much as he does fucking around or talking with me. And usually when he’s silent, he’s studying me.
It always makes him smile.
She rinses the soap from her tits and the suds fall, revealing her perky nipples. I grab my cock, watching the water cascade from her chest. Her eyes follow the movement of my hand, making her swallow hard as she watches me. Her hips swivel a little as her thighs rub together and I smile at her, wondering if she’s ever gotten herself off.
“Do you touch yourself?” I ask her as she looks confused.