Page 1 of Sebastian's Baby

The Game

The game shall be knownas “8 Ball Pool” and shall be referred to in these rules as “The Game”. It is intended that the game be played in good spirit and in a sportsmanlike manner.

The game is playedon a pool table with 16 balls and two players. Precaution to prevent injuries or accidents from occurring should be taken at all times.


LEVEL 1.6 – A Challenge Has Presented Itself

I’m walkinginto the lobby of a hotel behind Harrison Fletcher and Gabriel Knight, with Hayden Vega walking next to me; together, we make up the band Cruise Control. We’re here tonight to meet two fans who won a competition on our website to spend the night out with us in Chicago.

Looking around, it’s not obvious that anyone here in the lobby is either of the two women we’re looking for, and we make our way over to some chairs that are sitting in front of the elevators as Harrison says, “I guess we’ll just wait here, then.”

Gabriel sits down on a sofa, and I shrug and sit on the other end of it while Harrison sits on the sofa next to us, and Hayden drops into an armchair across from me.

“Tonight should be fun. I hope they’re not too intense, though,” Gabriel says to us.

“I hope they’re hot,” I can’t help adding.

“Of course you do, Seb”—Hayden rolls his eyes at me—“you could also refrain from sticking your dick in every fan that crosses your path, too.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” I laugh.

So, to be fair, I do sleep with a lot of women. Some people say that I sleep with too many women. I don’t see anything wrong with it; I make sure they’re satisfied before I get my orgasm. I just don’t have the desire to have anything more than that. I have my family, and I have my friends who are just as close as family. Why complicate my life by adding in some woman who will have expectations of me that I might not be able to meet?

We’ve been sitting there for a few minutes when the elevator doors in front of us open, and two women get out, both laughing as they do. One of them is wearing a short, black skirt, with a blue t-shirt, and has shoulder-length blonde hair. The other is wearing tight jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. Her body has curves in all the right places. She has long, dark brown hair and soft, kissable lips.

If I had to put money on it, I would guess that this is Lita Ciccone. I know an Italian woman when I see one, and she stirs something deep within me. Good. Hot fans are the best part of being a rock star. Their laughter stops abruptly as soon as they notice us.

The women walk towards us, the blonde looks slightly star-struck, and the brunette looks over at her before she turns back to us, her face brightening into a smile. She’s completely and utterly dazzling.

They reach the area where we’re sitting, and Gabriel looks up at them to ask, “Hi, does one of you happen to be Lita?”

“Yes, I am,” the Italian woman says, then shakes his hand. “I didn’t expect you guys to be here.”

“Were you thinking of meeting some other band tonight?” I tease her.

Lita looks down at my hand, then slowly reaches hers out to shake it. Her hand is soft, and I can barely resist the urge to stroke her skin and enjoy the feeling of it. She’s beautiful, and I want her in my bed tonight more than anything. Then she turns to talk to Harrison, and I’m left to say hello to her friend and shake her hand, as well, but I keep my focus on the conversations that Lita is having as I do.

“Congratulations on the wedding,” Lita says to Harrison, then nods down at his wedding ring.

“Thanks, Lita.” Harrison smiles at her, looking proud of himself.

Harrison well and truly earned his wedding ring, that’s for sure. For a while there, I wasn’t sure if he and Heather would end up getting married, but I’m glad they worked it out. Seeing them apart was brutally painful for me. I hate seeing my friends in pain.

Lita’s friend, who is apparently called Becky, moves on to talk to Harrison as Lita turns to Hayden.

“Hi, Lita, I’m Hayden,” he says, and they shake hands.

“Why don’t you take a seat with us for a minute?” I say, desperately hoping that she’ll sit down in the space between Gabriel and me. “We’ll talk about the plans for tonight.”

Lita turns back toward me, just blinking at me for a second. I give her my most seductive smile, and her eyes widen slightly. I’m used to having this effect on women, but it’s still incredibly satisfying to see that I’m affecting her like this.

“Um, sure. Make sense,” she says after a few seconds, and I’m so pleased when she moves back toward me.

She sits down, then looks back over at Harrison and Hayden. Is it just me, or is she avoiding looking at me? I listen to her shallow breathing next to me, and I can’t help but wonder what she is going to be like in bed, panting beneath me as I fuck her.

Becky takes a seat next to Harrison on the sofa that he’s sitting on, and she’s the one who asks the next question. “So, what’s the plan for the evening?”