Page 85 of The Stalker


The Alcohol

They had arrivedin their first big city for a concert. The tour buses pulled up to their hotel, and they all made their way inside. It was just after five in the evening, and they had been tiptoeing around the tour bus all day because Jesse was sleeping in preparation for the switch to doing the night shift tonight.

The plan was for Hayden and Tatiana to go to their suite, and Tatiana would watch Hayden for the evening, then call Jesse when it was time for her to go to bed. Tomorrow was a free day for the band and crew, so when she woke, she would relieve Jesse to allow him to sleep.

When they reached their suite, Tatiana followed Hayden through the living area and into his room, where he put his things away, then had him follow her to her room for her to do the same. He walked over and stretched out on the bed to watch her. He had his usual jeans and t-shirt on and looked gorgeous, of course.

“Hey, Tati. I’m in your bed,” he told her, sounding amused.

Tatiana looked up from where she was opening her suitcase and rolled her eyes at him. “Yes, you are.”

“Want an early night? You should come lie down with me.”

“I’ll have to call Jesse and get him to come watch you, though, and you’ll have to get out of my bed, of course,” she teased him.

“Fine. I’d rather have you around for dinner, anyway.”

Tatiana took her toiletries into the bathroom, where she grabbed a couple of tampons and stuffed them into the pocket of her jeans. Then she rummaged through her things and found some painkillers, which she took before she headed back out to Hayden.

“Okay, so what is the plan for this evening, since I’m not going to be joining you in a bed any time soon?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

“You didn’t say ‘at all,’ I noticed,” he smirked at her.

Yes, I noticed that too, Tatiana.

“No, I didn’t. Only because we might have to watch a movie quietly in your room while Jesse is sleeping on the bus or something. Why else would I join you in a bed?”

You fucking know the answer to that question. Stop flirting with him!

Tatiana watched Hayden’s eyes go dark as he cast them over her body before he said, “Why don’t you join me and find out?”

She ignored the pleasure that flooded through her when he responded exactly as she’d expected him to when she’d asked her question.

“Because I’m meant to be protecting you, and I can’t very well do that if I’m in bed with you,” she shrugged her shoulders, desperately wanting to take him up on his invitation.

Why are you even pretending to be a professional when you’re flirting with him every chance you get?

It was true. Since the night they’d watched Casino Royale together, Hayden and Tatiana had been flirting shamelessly.

She kept the pretense up of her professionalism as much as she could, especially around other people. They hadn’t spoken specifically about it, but Hayden also toned it down when anyone else was nearby.

“Fine, but I’d argue that if you were in bed with me, that’s probably the best way to protect me, because you’d be right there.”

Tatiana smirked at him. “If you really think that I could focus on protecting you while we were in bed together, then I don’t think I’m very interested in being in a bed with you after all.”

“Damn. Checkmate, I guess. I find myself with the option of saying I’m bad in bed or that I can’t have you in my bed,” Hayden laughed as he stood up.

“I am very curious which option it is, though.” She raised an eyebrow at him.

Hayden strode over and stood in front of her. He did his usual thing of slowly running his eyes over her, taking his time and giving her goosebumps as he did.

“I got out of the bed, didn’t I?” he grinned at her.

“Was that supposed to be an answer?”

He looked her in the eyes. “Did you want me to tell you exactly how many orgasms I would give you? How I would make you come so hard that you got dizzy? How I wouldn’t possibly let you out of bed unless you were completely and utterly satisfied?”