Page 86 of The Stalker

Arousal flooded through Tatiana at his words, and she could see the desire in his expression as he stared at her. She couldn’t say anything in response, and he smiled.

“Because I’m more than happy to tell you those things, Tatiana. I would make sure that you were very, very distracted if you were in a bed with me.” He stared into her eyes for a few moments more before he grinned and turned on his heel, saying over his shoulder, “Let’s go to dinner.”

Tatiana groaned softly, “You’re killing me, Hayden.”

Hayden laughed, and Tatiana followed him out of her bedroom. They left the hotel suite and made their way to Sebastian’s, where Harrison opened the door to let them in.

“Hey, guys,” he smiled at them.

“Hi, Harrison,” Hayden said.

They walked into the living room, where Sebastian was sitting on a sofa next to Lita and Ariana, who was currently holding Mirabella and smiling down at her. Gabriel was sitting in an armchair, and Harrison walked over to sit in another one. Everyone had a drink of alcohol except Lita, who was taking a sip from a bottle of water.

“Hey, guys,” Hayden greeted them. They all welcomed him before he asked, “What was the decision for dinner in the end?”

“We’ve got a booking in the hotel restaurant in half an hour, then we’re coming back here to play poker so Lita can put Mira to bed,” Sebastian told him. “Do you want a drink?”

“Sure,” Hayden said.

Sebastian stood and walked over to a fridge where he got Hayden a drink before he called out, “Bottle of water for you, Tatiana?”

“Yes, thank you,” she smiled at him.

“It’s nice to have someone to stay sober with,” Lita said.

“Not a fan of being the only non-drunk person in the room, Lita?” Hayden laughed.

“I don’t mind it, but it’ll be good to have someone to talk with about what idiots you’re being,” she said.

Tatiana took the bottle of water from Sebastian and thanked him before saying, “I’m used to it. I can’t remember the last time I got drunk. Probably my dad’s seventieth birthday. I happened to not have a contract at the time, and my brother challenged me to a drinking game.”

“Who won?” Sebastian asked.

At the same time, Hayden turned to look at her and said, “You have a brother?”

Just go ahead and tell him everything about yourself, why don’t you?

“He did,” she said to Sebastian, then looked at Hayden. He was looking intensely curious, but this wasn’t a case of just telling Hayden too much. She’d slipped it out to the whole group. “Yes, I do.”

“Interesting. Older or younger?” he asked immediately.


“Just like Ness and me. I bet you were a pain in his ass,” he teased her.

Tatiana thought about all the ways she and her brother drove each other nuts over the years, despite how much they loved each other.

“I’m sure he’d tell you I was. I think I was the perfect sister, though.”

The group laughed before Gabriel said, “My sisters are definitely pains in my ass.”

“Heather’s the closest thing I have to a sister, and she’s a pain in everyone’s ass,” Sebastian announced with a cheeky grin.

Hayden pulled his phone out of his pocket and said, “I’m telling her you said that.”

Everyone laughed, and Hayden went and got two dining chairs from the table and brought them over for Tatiana and himself to sit in. She noticed that he set them down so their backs would be to the wall, which she appreciated.

They talked until it was almost time to go to the restaurant. Daryl and Benjamin came back from checking out the situation, and Tatiana left the conversation with Hayden and his friends so she could talk to the other three bodyguards, Ross, Michael, and Ethan.