Page 47 of The Stalker


The Car

It wasa struggle to look Hayden in the eye the next morning. They were going to inspect the tour bus, and she was taking Hayden solo because they would be heading straight home after inspecting it. That gave Jesse a day off before they left for the tour, two if they stayed home on Saturday or she didn’t need him.

“You’ve been quiet this morning,” Hayden noted as they ate their breakfast.

“Just tired, I guess,” she said, as her cheeks flamed with heat.

“Didn’t sleep well?”

“Oh, not too badly,” she told him.

Once she’d stopped imagining him fucking her.

Good call on not telling him that part.

She was deluged with visions of her fantasies from last night, not helped in the least by Hayden’s apparent insistence that being topless was the only way to eat breakfast.

She took a bite of her toast and noticed Hayden shifting in his seat next to her, looking uncomfortable as he did.

“I, um, should probably tell you something,” he said, sounding very much like he would rather do anything in the world other than that.

Tatiana’s eyes widened, and she turned to stare at him. What had he done? Another security breach? Did he sneak out after she went to bed?

His face was bright red, and now he wouldn’t catch her eye. She was sure he’d broken some rule, so she was not at all prepared for his next words.

“I heard you last night,” he mumbled.

“You heard me last n—oh fucking fuck.”

She was normally way more careful when masturbating in a client’s place, especially when they were staying as close as Hayden was. Fuck, she was practically a professional at coming in complete silence. Of all nights, the previous night had to be the one where she let herself get carried away.

“I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry,” he said quickly.

Tatiana couldn’t form any words to stop him from talking, as he apparently felt the need to explain.

“At first, I didn’t know what I’d heard, and then, um, it became obvious and I left my bathroom as soon as I realized what was happening. I just didn’t feel right not telling you, but I should’ve just kept my mouth shut. I’m sorry.”

Tatiana held her hand up. “Stop talking. Let’s never mention this again, okay? I apologize for what you overheard, and I’ll make sure there aren’t any noise complaints in the future.”

“You don’t need to apologize,” Hayden said. “It’s natural and normal, actually. My family is super religious, so I grew up being told that ‘masturbation is sex with yourself,’ so you shouldn’t do it outside of marriage. Needless to say, I don’t think that anymore. Go on with your bad self, I say. If you want to—sorry, I’ll stop talking.”

“Thanks. Meanwhile, I’ll just be here wishing there was a handy cyanide capsule for me. You asked yesterday what torture would be bad enough to make me bite? Yup. That’ll do it,” she groaned.

Hayden chuckled. “Mr. Big has nothing on me.”

He’s talking about the book, Tatiana! You do not need to hear innuendo in that comment!

She had zero idea how the fuck she was ever going to get their relationship back to a professional level at this point. She might as well accept that her mind was going to be permanently in the gutter with Hayden Vega.

She just had to pray to god that somehow he could forget that he had heard her coming in the bedroom next to his last night. At the very least, he had no idea who she was coming to, and he never would if she had anything to say about it.

She cast about desperately in her head for a topic of conversation that wasn’t her client overhearing her orgasm. “Are you excited to see the tour bus today?”

“Yeah, I am. Oh, I was thinking that since Jesse isn’t coming today, do you want to drive my car there?”

Tatiana gasped and whipped her head around to look at him. Big mistake. He was still shirtless and hot as fuck.