“Hey, I’m just out back, but I can’t find the staff door. Am I at the wrong place?”
I sigh and shake my head, flipping the sign on the front door to ‘back in a minute’. Of course the dumb-ass delivery guy picked the twenty minutes when my boss, Kalli, actually stepped out for lunch to get lost in the wrong back alley. Now, I have to leave the store unattended to go find him, so we can get our delivery of new fabric in time for her to make the gown for Sammy Garo’s appearance at the gala ball next week.
I’m so excited for her. This is a big break for Oniero, the plus-size designer boutique she opened a few months back. I’m her one and only staff member, and we’ve both been busting our asses getting the place off the ground, despite the backing of her billionaire demon boyfriend. Kalli doesn’t want him to bankroll everything. She wants to be successful because of her own hard work, and I applaud that. Only I kinda wish she wasn’t quite so stubborn about accepting money, so we could employ at least one more person.
I’m more grateful to her than I can say. I no longer have to work nine to five at Barkers department store where we met, but I gotta say I’ve been working more like eight to seven with no breaks, and I’m tired.
It’s worth it, though. Or it will be, after the ball when her gorgeous dress is photographed by every paparazzo worth their salt and put on the front page of every gossip mag in the city.
I poke my head out the staff door. Sure enough, there’s no delivery guy in sight. This block is funny and people often get lost and end up a block down where the sign has been nudged by a truck and points in the wrong direction.
When I make it around the corner, a confused looking delivery driver in a blue and white uniform turns and beams at me. “Are you from Oniero?”
I nod. “Yeah. Listen, get back in your truck, and I’ll take you around to the right door. This is actually Sandford Lane.”
He blinks. “It is? Well no wonder I couldn’t find the entrance.”
I stop myself from rolling my eyes. It’s not his fault I’ve been extra salty this month. Ever since I took the stupid pregnancy test. “Yeah. Guess not.”
I hope in the passenger seat and he starts up the engine. “So you worked here long? You like it?”
“Mhmm.” I shrug. It’s not that I don’t love my new job. I do! I just don’t want small talk with the delivery guy. I hate small talk.
When we get to the right door, I point. “This one.”
He pulls to the side and I slide out and quickly find my key, while he goes around to open the trunk.
He unloads six boxes and we somehow find room to stuff them into the tiny storeroom.
When he’s done, he lingers at the door. “So, um. I’m definitely requesting this job again. Now I know where to find the shop and all. Plus I wouldn’t mind the excuse to see you again.” He gives me a wide grin.
Oh, boy.
I’m not even sure what he thinks went on here apart from a simple business transaction. I start to close the door, but he stops me with a hand on the frame. Internally, I groan. I know what’s coming.
“So, can I have your number? Maybe you can show me around some other places. Like some great local restaurants or you know... your bedroom.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.
I roll my eyes. “Sorry. I’d rather have a filling done. Ask your boss to find someone else for the next delivery, or we’ll take our business elsewhere.” I slam the door in his face so I don’t have to look at the slightly confused and hurt expression on his face a moment longer.
See what I mean about salty?
That probably wasn’t necessary, but guys like that really piss me off. Not interested in dating, not interested in taking anyone home.
If I fuck a guy, I go to his place, where I can get up and leave whenever I want.
The bell on the front door tinkles as it opens. Kalli calls out, “It’s me! Are you here, Jade? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just another lost delivery driver,” I call back, hurrying around the corner to meet her in the main showroom.
She smiles at me and holds up a tray with two giant caramel mocha lattes. “I got us something to take us through the afternoon.” She kicks the chock under the door with the toe of her fifties style pump and steps forward.
I’m on that thing in two seconds flat, taking my first sip with a huge sigh. “You’re the best. This is everything I need right now.” I take another long gulp of sweet, creamy latte and set it down behind the counter. “Did I mention you’re the best?”
Kalli laughs. “Anything else happen while I was gone?”