“Nope. Only the delivery. It was the fabric from Jaffita’s.”
Her eyes widen. “Oh good. I can start working on that gown. I’ll be out back if you need me, OK?”
I nod, leaning my elbows on the counter and staring at the door. I’m not feeling great today. I’d love to have the afternoonoff, but I can’t. With everything else going on, Kalli and I haven’t really talked about sick leave, and we’re busy.
Another two customers come through the store, so I don’t get a chance to log on and keep working on the website for another half an hour. I’m setting up a rotating carousel on the home page, when movement at the door catches my eye. The woman who walks in is petite and slim, with a wispy blonde pixie cut and long dangly earrings. She doesn’t look like our usual customer, but still, I put on a bright smile and greet her, “Hi, welcome to Oniero. Can I help you find something today?”
She comes across to the counter, not even looking at any of the garments on the racks. “Oh, hi. I’m actually looking for Kalli, I hope I’m in the right place.”
Oh, not a customer, then. I mean she’s kinda outside our size range, but I’m glad I’m not going to be the one having that conversation. “Yeah, sure. She’s out back. Want me to see if she’s available?”
The woman nods. “Yes, please. I’m Sofia. From Monstrous Deals.”
Ohhh! Monstrous Deals? Yeah, I’ve heard of them. That’s the escort agency Kalli worked for when she met her boyfriend, Rin. But I thought she quit work as an escort now she’s all loved up. “Nice to meet you, Sofia,” I smile. “I’ll check if she’s busy.”
I hurry out back, keen to get all the goss from Kalli. Though I hope this means her and Rin aren’t on the rocks or something. Surely, she would have told me if they were.
“Hey,” I stick my head around the door and Kalli looks up. “There’s a Sofia here to see you.” I study Kalli’s face for a reaction, but it’s only mild pleasure.
“Oh, that’s lovely of her to stop in. Let me come say hi.”
No gossip pending by the sounds of it. I still follow Kalli out front and surreptitiously arrange clothing on a nearby rack so I can hear everything they’re saying.
“This is cute!” Sofia gestures around the shop, winning points in my book.
Kalli smiles. “Thank you. It’s going well. What about you? How are things at MD? Business good? I hear there’s a monster running for mayor!”
“Jarra is a friend of mine and a long time customer, but don’t tell anyone about that.” Sofia leans close. “I think I’ve found him the perfect escort this time.”
“Oh really? Anyone I know?”
Sofia shakes her head. “Don’t think so. She’s new. Which is lucky. We’ve been so busy I’m struggling to find enough escorts for all the booking requests. And I’ve just had a request for a big party at the weekend. I’m madly hunting. I don’t suppose you know anyone?”
Kalli doesn’t say anything.
I peek around the rack of clothes in time to see them both giving me a speculative look. “You’ve met Jade, right?”
Kalli beckons me over and I stop pretending to hang clothes.
“Are we talking work at Monstrous Deals?” I ask. Oh my god. Why didn’t I think of this? I can’t believe the answer to my problems has been staring me in the face all along.
Sofia gives me another of her warm smiles. “Do you have any experience working as an escort, Jade?”
I snort. “No, but I like dick, so I figure I’ve got the basics down, right?” That, and a serious phobia of commitment should make me perfect for the job.
Sofia and Kalli both laugh. “This job isn’t exactly all about sex,” Sofia says. “Although there might be sex involved, it's more complicated than that.”
“Well, if it’s anything like the deal that Kalli made, sign me up!” I remember how things started between her and Rin, when he paid to go down. And I meanjustto go down. Nothing else. Hell, yes, I want me some of that.
Sofia shakes her head. “It’s not exactly like that, no. It’s a job for a herd of unicorns. They’re looking for about ten escorts to join them at a private play party. You wouldn’t necessarily have to do anything other than dress scantily and serve food and drink, but there’s the option to participate in anything that interests you as part of the job.”
My brows lift and a grin spreads over my face. “So I’d have to wear lingerie and go to a sex party?”
She nods. “That’s right.”
“I’m in!”
Sofia cheers, squeezing her hands into fists. “Oh, my goddess, that makes my day. I had a good feeling about this visit today. I don’t suppose you’ve got any friends who’d like to come along, do you, Jade?”