Page 28 of Own to Obey

She moved along the wall and came across women dancing provocatively. Shaya had never seen anything like it and couldn't help but stare at them. They moved so uniquely, some of them so amazing. She would never be able to dance like that. Some of the women who were dressed in fewer clothes than the rest, swayed their hips, twirled, and put themselves on display. A heat rushed to her face as she saw the movements mirrored those that she did when Shinno Kardos was building her to an orgasm.

She glanced away, her face hot, only to be drawn back again. She pushed off the wall, watching the women dance, becoming almost entranced by their movements. Had Kyus ever danced this way? She had seen her dance in some of the balls they had been to when she was younger, but nothing like this. The women here seemed so passionate, so bold, so honest. There was no embarrassment, no shyness, no trying to hide. They were proudly displaying their skills, and both men and women around them clearly appreciated it and encouraged them on.

And as she stepped closer to the dancers, watching them all, she suddenly saw the shinno, recognizing his stature.

He sat at one end of the hall leaning back in a thick, wide chair that looked similar to the one he sat on with her on the empty deck. In other, less impressive chairs around him, sat tribesmen, but directly in front of the shinno, a woman was contorting and spinning and twisting. She moved almost as though the music was playing for her, as though she was the expert at this dance, far outshining the others. Shaya could barely take her eyes off her. The dancer had an elegance about her the other women didn’t and she wondered if it was something she could learn, but even if she did, she could never dance that way and certainly not in front of anyone. The woman became bolder, touching parts of her body and brushing her arms and legs. Suddenly she was bent over, looking at the shinno through her legs as she displayed herself to him. Surely he must be able to see between her legs at that angle—she was barely wearing any clothes.

Shaya's eyes flicked up to the shinno and was shocked to find that he was looking directly at her!

She gasped, held her breath in and took a few steps back, causing her to bump into a hard wall… a moving hard wall, in the middle of the space. When she turned, an Alpha was peering down at her.

“I'm sorry,” she began, but then pressed her mouth shut. She couldn't speak the Common Tongue in here, and there was no word for sorry from what she’d come to understand.

The Alpha suddenly broke out into a grin, and she recognized him. He was the one who tried to speak to her when she was tied up on the deck with the boulders.

“Hallyzan,” he said. “Assh leyatte hevfra eshek.”Hello. I (something) look for you.

Shaya smiled back at him politely, about to excuse herself, but suddenly he lunged forward and picked her up. He spoke again, but this time she was too distracted to figure out what he was saying, and he was speaking too quickly anyway. As she tried to tell him to put her down, a roar came from further down the hall, and with horror, she turned her head to see the shinno thundering toward them, the crowd parting as he made his way over.

The fear that twisted in her was too intense for her to do anything except stare, and only when he was almost upon them did she realize that she was still being held by this Alpha. She wouldn't be able to get away!

“Put me down,” she urged. “Put me down, please.”

But the Alpha ignored her, watching the shinno. There was a wary look in his eyes as though he was both annoyed and confused by the shinno's anger, but Shaya did not want to be around when the shinno reached them. She hit the Alpha’s arm, trying to get him to release her, but he simply pulled her against him as he waited for the shinno's approach, as though to quieten her. She didn’t like it—it wasn’t the same as being against the shinno—and it annoyed her that he wasn't listening to her.

As she was pressed against the Alpha’s body, the shinno released another angry bellow.

All those who were not really paying attention to him, cheered with each of his roars as though he was celebrating, like how they did when they were first in the hall. But those that saw his face, stopped and turned to look at the object of his anger.

Shaya's fear reached new heights as the shinno approach them, and she tried to twist as hard as she could to get out of the Alpha’s grip, but it was impossible.

Shinno Kardos didn't even stop when he arrived. He grabbed the Alpha by the throat, growling, and pushed him back, at which point he finally released Shaya from his grip. She dropped to the floor gasping and scooted away from them as they both hit a wall. The shinno punching the Alpha, and the Alpha attempted to fight back, but with each blow the entire area shuddered, and the snarls and harsh words between them was too much for her to take.

Turning, Shaya ran through the hall and took the first door she could find. Thankfully, the corridor was pretty empty and she leaned against the wall trying to catch her breath—her heart was pounding in her throat. That was exactly what Kyus had warned her about, that anger, that ferocity. She shook her head disbelievingly. If any of that was ever directed at Omegas, no wonder they tried so hard to block themselves and to hide. She wasn't even unblocked and that was the kind of fury that was unleashed simply because she had left her room. Looking around wildly, she tried to figure out where she was so she could get back to it. Of course the shinno now knew she had left, but it would be better for her if she found her way back there, so at least if he wanted to punish her, it would be private, and she wouldn't be humiliated in front of everyone else like when he tied her up.

Unfortunately, she had no idea where she was. She walked along the corridor swiftly and took one of the flights of stairs that took her back down a deck. But it didn't look like a deck that she was on before, where her new cabin was. It was, however, much quieter. Walking along the corridor, she wondered if maybe looking out one of the windows would be able to give her an idea.

She cautiously opened one of the doors and peaked in, but it was empty, and it had no windows. Shuddering, she shut the door back. Maybe she should be extra thankful for the windows that she had in her room.

Walking along the corridor again, she opened a couple of the other doors and found nothing.

Turning the next corner, she began to wonder if she would ever be able to find a way back, at least before having another panic. She could feel it rising and she wasn’t sure what was going to happen if she got to the stage that she had last time in the black box-room. This time she wouldn't be contained, and there were people around, but the ship was enormous. She had seen it when she was standing on the port, and she hadn't even been able to see the whole thing. At this stage, she would be immensely lucky to find her way back to her own cabin.

The next corridor was structured a little differently from the others. It was jagged in shape, and there weren't as many doors as some of the other corridors.

When she came across the first one, she peeked in and immediately saw that it had a window. And not just any window, but one long window with a wider view outside. It looked completely dark out there, but hopefully she would be able to see something. It was only when she stepped inside the room she realized that there were other people in there. She froze, as her eyes became accustomed to the semi-darkness, then saw a woman sitting in the chair further into the room. She simply smiled lazily at Shaya and beckoned her in.

When Shaya looked around in more detail, she gasped at the sight before her.

On the bed was a tangle of bodies, male and female writhing, jutting, and jerking, accompanied by soft moans and grunts. On a table in the center of the room, lay a man being ridden by a female, while another female straddled his face and was gyrating her hips down in a steady and smooth rhythm. The other female, who was also wriggling passionately, had the man's cock clearly buried inside her and her finger jammed inside the female’s… well, it looked like her ass, but it couldn't be.

The woman in the chair, who had smiled and beckoned Shaya forward, had her legs spread, with her hips tilted up, and a man was pressing his face between them and groaning. As she became aware of the actions taking place, the musky, raw smells in the room and the soft slapping sounds, both reached her at the same time. She took a few steps back, and then turned towards the door, but quickly realized that this was the only room that had the view she needed. None of the people in the room seemed like they noticed her, and the woman seemed friendly. Would it hurt to try to look out the window?

Her answer came when the man with his face in between the woman's legs, rose abruptly, and squatted, lowering his cock to her entrance. He glanced at the bed, and suddenly noticed Shaya standing by the door.

“Dess edvanayo ossla ishen. Zor dess veci,” he said, smiling at her.You may (something) join us if you wish. Or you may watch.

He then turned his attention to his lover and dropped his cock heavily inside her.