Page 14 of Trial Run

“Beverly?” His brow creased. “I had no idea she lived near me.”

“She lives a couple blocks away. And she’s going to love these flowers. We’ll try the one errand, and see how it goes, like you said the other day.”

Nell made her voice as bright and encouraging as possible, because Ben’s expression right now looked a lot like Marco’s before he vomited.

Ben was silent for a long minute. “I think riding in the car won’t be so bad for me. The hard part will be getting from the door to the van. I’m not good with the … With open spaces.” He winced, as if the admission cost him.

“If it doesn’t work out, I’ll walk you right back inside. I won’t leave you alone, I promise.”

Ben met her gaze, seeming to steady himself. “All right. Let’s go.”

They walked to the front door, and beside her, Ben tensed up.

She paused with her hand on the doorknob. “Just walking to the van.”

Ben drew in a breath. “Just to the van. I can’t believe I agreed to this.”

“Will it help if we walk fast?” she asked.

“I think so. Let’s try that.”

Nell nodded, opened the door, and stepped outside. Ben followed her onto the porch, locking the door behind him. His chest rose and fell, already faster than it had been a minute ago.

On instinct, Nell looped her arm through his, linking them together at the crook of his elbow. He startled, then curled his arm up, keeping their arms locked. He shook his head, as if he regretted needing the help.

“Together?” She smiled up at him.

He gave a tight nod, and took his first steps away from the house. They hurried across the porch, then took the four steps down to the front yard.

“You’ve got this. A few more feet down the sidewalk, and we’re in the van.” His arm shook where it threaded through hers, but he propelled himself forward. His legs were a lot longer than hers, and she hurried to keep up.

“Almost there.” She clicked the key fob to unlock the van and opened the passenger door for him. He launched himself into the seat and slammed the door shut.

Nell jogged around to the driver’s side and opened her own door. She slid into the seat and looked across at him.

Ben rested a shaking hand on his brow. Maybe she’d pushed too far, and it had been too much. Maybe he was having a panic attack right now.

“We can go back inside. If you need to, that’s fine. I’ll walk you right back,” she offered.

He didn’t say anything.

“Ben? I need to know if you’re okay. Was that too much? I’m sorry if it was. We can always try it again some other time.”

After what felt like an hour, he lifted his head. A tiny smile curled the corner of his mouth.

“I did it,” he said, his voice shocked.

Nell couldn’t help the huge grin that took over her face. “You did.”

“I’m not going back inside.” He lifted his chin. “That was the hardest part, and the rest will be easier.” He said it with authority, as if trying to convince himself the words were true.

“Okay.” She started the ignition, the smile still stuck on her face. “Driving won’t bother you? You’re really okay in here?”

“I think I am.” He shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t quite believe it.”

“Then let’s go to Beverly’s house.” She put the van in drive and pulled away from the curb.

Ben took up a lot of space in the van, and sitting this close to him, she could feel the tension in his body, and the warmth. His aftershave scent mingled with the damp greenery and flowers in the van.