Amy had been overjoyed at the large sale for the shop. She’d actually smiled at Nell and thanked her for making the sale. Then her face had taken on a knowing look.
“Sounds like this Dr. Ben has a thing for you,” she’d said.
Nell had denied it to her boss, but of course, no one gave a gift that big for no reason. So she’d gone to his house to clear it up. She’d gone there intending to tell Ben he had it all wrong if he expected a date in return for his money. She’d half expected to throw the money in his face and be back at square one with this month’s financial crisis.
But she did need that money. It would save her ass this month, and probably next month, too.
So instead of cutting things off with Ben, she’d gotten herself further involved in … whatever this was. When he’d half-suggested he could come with her on her deliveries, she’d jumped on the chance. It was a way to pay him back, to not be in his debt. Her company was one thing she could offer in exchange for the huge favor he’d done her.
And he did need help. She’d seen it for herself. Some plants needed a bit more attention to grow, and the same was true of people. And she could never resist a dying plant.
Mom had always said when you were having a hard time, helping someone else out was one of the best ways to feel better. Nell couldn’t change her own situation, but maybe she could do something small to change Ben’s.
She could drive him around on a few errands this week, accept his money without any guilt, and maybe help him with his panic attacks in the process. A win-win exchange. He’d take her help and go on with his life, like everyone did, leaving her to figure out how she’d survive next month.
She’d stopped by her landlord’s office this morning and given him her entire coffee shop paycheck, plus Ben’s tip from the other day. She’d start worrying about next month’s rent later.
But today, the sun was shining, she had a van full of rioting blooms and greenery, and no bills hanging over her head. Today was a good day, and even if Ben scowled at her the whole time, she would be helpful and cheerful. That was how she would pay him back.
Still, her stomach swooped again when he opened the door. He wore a navy suit today, but he hadn’t put on the jacket yet. His crisp white shirt was rolled up to the elbows, revealing the roped muscles of his forearms.
Doctors weren’t supposed to have muscles like that, and they weren’t supposed to smell nice, like bay leaves and cedar. In an office, or another setting, she might have felt intimidated by the perfection of his appearance.
He was just a person, though. A person who might be very nervous about today.
She turned her gaze upward and gave him a big smile. “Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Ben stood frozen in the doorway, his posture stiff.
She’d started to understand that what seemed like formality in his manners was at least partly anxiety. His spine was too rigid, his hand gripping the doorknob as if it was the only thing holding him up.
“Are you ready to go?” she asked, keeping her tone light and easy.
“Almost. I need my shoes.” He turned on his heel and went back inside, without inviting her in. Nell followed, shutting the door behind her.
A man who was always as dressed-up as Ben wouldn’t forget to put on his shoes, or his jacket. Was he stalling for time? The thought softened her further.
Now fully inside his house, she scanned the room. She’d known he lived in a lot nicer part of town than she did, but the difference between their homes was stark. His kitchen was moodboard-perfect, with gleaming stainless appliances and granite countertops. The ficus and the daffodils still stood on the counter, the only splash of color in the place.
She peered into the living room. The open space was decorated in a minimalist style, with beige and white furniture and simple modern artwork with geometric designs on the walls. No family photos here, but maybe those were in another room.
Ben sat on the couch tying his shoes, and watching him swiftly deal with the laces felt oddly personal. He stood and shrugged on his suit jacket, then crossed over to a side table and slid his keys and wallet into the pockets of the suit.
Here in his own space, he was confident and put together, moving easily with no sign of anxiety. This must be what he was like in his normal life, in his work. A man in charge of his surroundings. A man people would look at and admire.
She shifted her eyes away so she could stop admiring him. Because he wasn’t just what he looked like. He was dealing with his own problems, like everyone else did.
“Oh. You have a rock collection,” she said, her gaze landing on the colorful display on the wall. Rows of shelves by the fireplace displayed crystals and rocks, most unidentifiable from across the room. A rose quartz, maybe, and something purple.
“They’re not gemstones. None of them has much value, other than sentimental.” He turned toward her, patting down his pockets as if to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything.
“Where did you get them?”
“Some of them I found outside. Others I bought at rock and mineral shows. I used to collect them—” He shook his head, cutting himself off. “I think I’m ready to go. Or as ready as I will be.”
Nell tamped down her curiosity and pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“I’ve got the delivery list ready to go. It looks like Beverly Jackson is about to get a pot of hydrangeas.”