Page 52 of Senator

“Yes, yes. I know.”


He glanced at me.

“Thank you. I can always count on you.”

“You’re welcome. Dad taught us that no matter the party line, we had to do the right thing. Besides, I’m one of the few people who know you the best, and once you join a crusade, there is no stopping you. So, it’s either jump on your train or get run over.”

My lips trembled. No matter what I faced or if they agreed with me or not, my family always had my back.

Tyler stopped midstep, turned toward me, and then ran a thumb under my eye. “Jaci, are you okay? I can tell when you’ve been crying. What aren’t you telling me? Did something happen with V?”

I hadn’t told Tyler anything that had happened between Veer and me over the past few weeks. I’d thrown myself so hard into various congressional bills and the planning for No Bride that I was able to avoid discussing my relationships.

“You could say that.”

At that moment, Ashur, Tara, and Veer entered the building with their security team. As they moved toward the ballroom, Tara winked at me, while Ashur inclined his head. It was when Veer held my gaze that my heart broke and I looked away.

“This morning, Veer and I officially closed the chapter on our relationship. There is no future for us.”

Tyler waited until the area cleared of people before he kissed the top of my head. “I’m so sorry.”

I hiccupped. Tyler was another of the few people who would never judge me and my fucked-up love life.

“I knew we would end sooner or later. Now that it’s happened, I feel like I should have known better than to get involved with Veer from the beginning.”

“It’s too late for should-haves. All you can do is focus on Kevin and your future.”

Tyler and I made our way to the ballroom.

“Can I say something to you before we put our politician hats back on?” Tyler asked. “And don’t think of this as judging.”

“Sure, shoot.” I waited, not sure what was about to come out of his mouth.

“You know Kevin is one of my best friends and I hold him in the highest regard.”

I nodded. “Yes. Where are you going with this?”

“What I don’t understand is why are the two of you so determined to follow through on this pact you made almost ten years ago?”

“We have our reasons.”

“I get that together you’ve created the image that will land you in the White House and that you care for each other. But you aren’t in love. You both love different men. Don’t you guys deserve to find authentic relationships?”

I stared at Tyler, not sure what to say. “You know?”

He frowned at me. “Of course, I damn well know. Kevin and I have been friends since college. I was the one who helped him keep his shit together the first time Chris broke up with him. Just like you keep your promises, I kept mine.”

“You’re okay with this?”

“Jaci, now you’re just pissing me off.”

I winced. “Sorry.”

“I’m a conservative, but I’m not an asshole. Just like you, in some areas, I’m more progressive than others.”

He held the scowl on his face, telling me I’d hurt his feelings. Out of the two of us, he was the more sensitive twin.