Page 53 of Senator

“I’m truly sorry. I should have known better.”

The hardness left his face, and he said, “So are you going to answer my question?”

I thought for a moment. “If Kevin ever wanted out of this pact to find a different future, I wouldn’t hesitate. But for me, all I can say is at least I had a short time to experience love.”

“You are so hardheaded.”

“That’s why I make such a good politician.”

We both laughed and moved toward our table.

* * *

“Ladies and gentlemen,I present the First Lady of the United States, Amanda Tyson Edgar.”

After a large round of applause, Mrs. Edgar began her speech.

The anticipation bubbling inside me caused me to fidget with my hands under the table. Amanda Edgar was about to announce her pet project for the remainder of her tenure in the White House. No one would be expecting it, especially not her husband, who only seemed to be half listening to her words so far.

The man was in for a big surprise.

It was amazing how things had turned in the last few weeks. What had originally been a way to pay back President Edgar for her humiliation had turned into something the first lady wholeheartedly supported. She’d spent an extraordinary amount of time learning everything possible about Tara’s efforts. I’d played the middleman with the help of Tyler’s contacts and in doing so had found an initiative I could stand behind as well.

I glanced over at the table where Tara sat with Ashur and Veer. She caught my gaze and gave me an anxious smile. She was as nervous as I was. The first lady’s statement would put Tara in the spotlight once again, but at least it would be in a positive light.

“Before I finish, I have a story to tell you.” The first lady paused, taking a deep breath, and then scanned the room, lingering on her husband.

Goosebumps prickled my skin as I readied myself for the major fallout that would begin as soon as the speech ended.

“Recently, I was introduced to a young lady who has put her life on the line to save countless others. She is a crusader in the fight to stop the epidemic of human trafficking in the world. Over the last two months, her efforts have come under scrutiny due to her involvement in negotiations with men of questionable character for the freedom of American girls.”

A murmur went through the crowd. Everyone knew Mrs. Edgar was talking about Tara.

“That’s right, of the girls released from horrible futures as child brides, seventy were American citizens. And because of this crusader for human rights, who I consider a friend, those children were freed and are now in safe homes. My friend is a hero, but she can’t save children like these alone. Therefore, I have decided we will join forces in her efforts to stop the sale of young girls as child brides. As of today, I will become the director of the No Bride Initiative, an organization with the sole purpose of ending a long history of child enslavement through marriage.

“As a conservative, I value every single human life on our planet. I may not be able to affect change in the world as a whole, but I can in our great nation. With this said, I challenge all of you, no matter your party officiation, to join me in stopping the silent epidemic we should no longer ignore.

“Thank you and have a wonderful rest of the evening.”

There was quiet for a few seconds before the first clap echoed, followed by another and then another, eventually leading to a standing ovation.

The first lady held her head high as she moved to take her place by the president. This was the moment she took the spotlight from her husband and came out from the shadows. No one would doubt she wasn’t independent of the president again.

I hated to think what kind of explosion would happen in private between them. More than likely very heated, with Edgar doing most of the talking. In the end, I had no doubt Amanda Edgar would come out on top. The president may not realize it, but his wife just saved the legacy of his presidency by going against him.

“Checkmate,” Tyler whispered.

I responded with, “Not quite. We still have a bumpy road ahead, but soon.”

Chapter Sixteen

“Senator Camden, please follow me”were the first words I heard as I walked out of the ladies’ lounge.

There was no mistaking the man who stood in front of me as anything other than Secret Service.

I’d expected a reprimand to come in the next few days, but it surprised me the president was willing to do it on the same night as his wife’s announcement. For the last two hours, Edgar had played the supportive and proud husband.

I glanced toward Tyler who was deep in conversation with a Lousiana constiuant who was a donor. He motioned to come to me, but I shook my head. Tyler had to keep the big money people happy.