A continent on the planet, Vexora.
Chapter 1
Julen’s heart raced as the hissing winds grew deafening, racing past him and tossing about his dark curls.
The cadet before him curled his fingers in an inviting beckon, summoning more and more gusts of wind to meet him at the dusty center field. Murmurs of anticipation filled the arena as winds from every direction weaved about the spectators and rushed toward him. A rust-colored torrent of dust swirled with frenzy, then settled as the cadet gained control and shaped the wind into a dense boulder with smooth arm movements.
His eyes narrowed, focusing on the target before him. The sweat on his forehead glistened under the sun.
The cadet released a guttural scream that echoed off the arena’s walls and launched the boulder at a line of enemy dummies thirty feet away.
The dummies exploded, bits of wood and stuffing scattered about the field as the crowd released a thunderous roar.
Julen’s gut coiled as the cadet, who had been incredibly shitty to him throughout training, took a bow and rejoined his comrades. One of the most prized abilities in Lapistra was manipulating wind into ammunition. Second to ammunition was wielding a wind barrier. Julen had hoped tofollow someone who could do the latter.Why do I have to follow him?
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the next cadet in the Manifestation Showcase is Julen Zephyrus, Prince of Lapistra!”
No. A bomb went off in Julen’s belly.Don’t get sick.Don’t get sick.
Julen froze. His legs trembled, and cold sweat dripped down his back.
A nearby cadet whispered with disdain, “You’re up,Prince.”
Thanks for the support, asshole.Julen forced himself to move, inching towards the center of the field.
He had to succeed. For his father. For the entire territory. Failure wasn’t an option.
The day had been an endless series of successes, making Julen even more nervous. The cadets threw wind as dense as boulders or as sharp as arrows. Others conjured barriers thick enough to stop a cannonball. Everything the territory expected of Lapistrean men. Everyone delivered. The bile crept to the back of Julen’s throat as he whispered a silent prayer to the Mother Planet.
Julen didn’t know what he would summon. He hadn’t successfully conjuredanythingduring training. He couldn’t do that today. Not in front of his father. Not in front of the nobility—he’d be the laughingstock of the entire territory, or worse, a pariah. Would he even be in line for succession to the throne? The future king of Lapistra had to manifestsomekind of power.
Julen reached the dusty circle at the center of the field. His hands shook as he raised them.
Please, letsomethinghappen…
He shot a glance at the thousands of eyes piercing him like knives with their gaze. The mountains loomed over the top of the stadium like the talons of a monster reaching for the sky. The world began to spin.
I should run.Just run away and never look back.
He closed his eyes and took a breath. A new line of enemy dummies arrived.
Instructor Lupan approached. “You can do this, Your Highness. Remember what we discussed. Find the emotion. Find what stirs you inside.”
Julen nodded. “Something that creates a frenzy.”
Lupan gripped the sides of Julen’s arms and locked eyes with him. “It can be anything. It can be infuriating or energizing. Just…find something.”
Julen’s body quivered. He wanted to make his father proud…for once.