He closed his eyes and searched for the emotion. Visions of his life raced through his mind like streaks of lightning. Images of his father’s brutality throughout the years bombarded him. His throat closed, and panic consumed him. He had no control of the images. They slipped away as fast as they came, a barrage of moments that made his head throb.
Everyone is waiting. Do something. DO SOMETHING. Julen dug deep, summoning every molecule inside him to stir and create the spectacle that was expected of him. He wound his arms back and curled his fingers.
A soft breeze! It’s something!He could feel it!Capture it! Control it!
Hours and hours of training had led to this moment. His heart pounded, and his skin tingled.
Julen took a breath, clenched his eyes shut, reeled his arms back further, andpushed…
The tragic gust of wind that stirred the dust at his feet nearly broke him. He couldn’t believe it. It was worse than a nightmare. Every fear he had for this showcase came to fruition in a moment.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry in front of them.
The silence of the arena was haunting. Julen thought time stopped. Then, the soft chuckles began. He had to try again. It couldn’t end like this.Please, help me, Mother Planet…
Summoning every ounce of strength he could, he pushed deep into the depths of his soul, aching to conjure something,anything!
Another tiny gust of wind.
The laughter from the cadets behind him echoed in his ears. His father’s furious face emerged from the crowd. Beside him, his mother, Queen Lauta, looked devastated.
Run away. Run away.Run away.
The cacophonous jubilation that filled the changing room faded as cadets raced to reunite with their awaiting families, leaving Julen alone. The stark white walls seemed to close in on him as he cradled his head between his legs, feeling his gut twist in knots. The cold bench pressed against him while he stared at the gray stones of the floor.
Not a single cadet had matched Julen’s dreadful performance.
He hated his father—it didn’t have to be this way. Julen needed more time, but King Haligran forced him to do this showcase despite the evidence that the training wasn’t helping. Julen begged for another year to master his abilities, but his father wouldn’t hear of it. He said it was Julen’s responsibility not to be a blight on his homeland.No pressure.
Julen burned with rage. If he ever did master wind manipulation, he’d use it to destroy this whole damned territory.
The door creaked open. Julen’s breath hitched, and he clenched his eyes shut. He couldn’t bear witness to the look on his father’s face.
Lupan cleared his throat as he crept into the room, and Julen exhaled.
“The general has, regretfully, made the very difficult decision not to extend an offer to join the military. I’m so sorry, Your Highness.”
The planet stopped spinning. It’s not like Julen reallywantedto join the military, but as a member of the royal family, not joining the military was unheard of. His father, King Haligran, was one of Lapistra’s most renowned warriors. Julen was supposed to follow in his footsteps, to be a symbol of Lapistra’s might. To lead the charge and be the warrior the territory craved. Hehadto join.
“Does my father know?”
The door flung open, slamming against the wall. Julen’s stomach flipped as the room rattled.
Haligran stalked in, narrowing his gaze on his son. An icy pang of fear froze Julen in place. He didn’t move. He didn’t even blink.
“Get out, Lupan. I’d like a moment with my son.” His father spoke with a deep timber that could shake the planet’s core.
As Lupan neared the exit, Haligran called out, “Don’t go far, Lupan. I’d like a word with you, too.”
Lupan swallowed hard enough that Julen could hear it from across the room.
Haligran’s hideous face quaked with fury. He drew closer to Julen, who shook like a leaf in a storm. Built like a wall, his father stood before him, his bald head aglow under the candlelight. Splotches of red fury peppered his pale face as he approached Julen.
He had that look again—contempt mixed with rage. Julen’s mind returned to his youth when his father found his paper dolls…
“How could this happen? HOW?!”