“Even after everything that happened with Pete?” he asks, and although he sounds rather disbelieving, I can hear the effort he’s making to be understanding, which, coming from him, is sort of touching.
“Yes, even after dating and almost getting married to someone like Pete. Plus, I’m pretty sure most princesses have to kiss a couple of frogs before they find their prince charming anyway.” I dismiss, brushing him off since my ex is definitely the last thing I want to be thinking about today. “Now, stop stalling and start thinking of a wish,” I command.
“Fine,” he gives in and takes a step toward the well.
His lack of enthusiasm is evident, and I can’t say I blame him for not wanting to do something others might consider silly and childish, especially at our age. Maybe I should stop guilting him into things, but part of me knows I should milk this for all it’s worth. I have a pretty strong feeling that the moment we step back into Evergreen Grove, reality will hit as we sink back into our old lives, and he’ll go right back to disliking me as much as he always has.
“So, am I supposed to wait for you to say some kind of magical words or do I just toss it in?” he asks.
It’s impossible to resist the urge to smile as I look over at him. “Look at you, indulging me,” I tease, but it’s not just sweet—it’s irresistibly attractive as he leans over the well, a stray lock of blond hair falling into his piercing cornflower blue eyes. How in the world is it fair that someone as grumpy as him gets to look like a real-life Disney prince?
“I only ask because I’m sure you have more pennies in there, and if I didn’t, you’d make me do it all over again. I just want to get this done and over with,” he explains, his mouth quirking into a grin.
“You’re not wrong. So how about this: I’ll count, and on three we both toss them in?”
He nods in agreement.
“Alright, one,” I begin as I close my eyes. “Two. Oh, wait,” I say, my eyes popping open as I use my hand with the penny inside to point a threatening finger in his direction. “You’re making an actual wish, right? You’re not just going to toss the penny in and waste it?”
His head rolls to the side in frustration, a disgruntled sigh escaping his lips despite the playful smile also stretching across his face. “Yes. I’m making a wish.”
“Okay, good,” I relent, closing my eyes once more. “One. Two. Three,” I continue, holding my hand over the small well releasing the penny, letting it drop toward the bottom.
“So, what did you wish for?” he immediately asks as I open my eyes.
“Can’t tell you, otherwise it won’t come true.”
“Isn’t that just for birthday wishes?” he asks, feigning irritation. Yet, once again, the faintest hint of a smile lingers on his way too handsome face.
“Nope. It’s the universal rule for all wishes. So no telling me your wish either,” I warn, letting my now empty hand trail along the stone as I close the distance between us.
“Well then, how am I ever going to know if this so-called magic you speak of is real if I don’t know if your wish ever comes true?” he asks, pushing himself off the well, and straightening up as I get closer.
“Well, when it comes true, it won’t need to be a secret anymore. So I promise, when my wish inevitably comes true, I’ll tell you,” I assure him.
He lifts a brow. “And what if it never comes true?”
“Oh, believe me, this wish is coming true. All Disney wishes have to come true,” I assure him, tapping a finger on his chest.
That, I am sure of. Things may not have worked out with Pete, and while I have every reason to believe that fairy talesand happily ever afters are just things you read about in books, I know that one day I’ll find my true prince charming. And that was exactly what I wished for when I threw my penny into the wishing well.
“Now,” I begin, letting my hand trail toward his before I yank him toward the castle. “Take my picture, and I’ll reward you with another churro,” I tease, figuring that when it comes to Miles, bribery is definitely the way to go.
“I suppose there are worse ways to get paid than with churros,” he relents, surrendering with a smirk as I pass him my phone. With a playful twirl, I make my way toward the stone wall beside the castle, striking my most princess-like pose, churro in hand, completely ready for my royal close-up.
“Say cheese,” he directs.
“Cheese.” I smile, a giant grin that I’m sure will be plastered on my face for the rest of the day. Not only am I at the happiest place on earth, but I’m also genuinely happy to be here with Miles of all people. From the look of it, he might actually be enjoying himself with me too. I guess what they say is true—Disney miracles do come true.
Withtheoceanjustminutes away, I could’ve easily spent our entire vacation at Newport Beach. I probably would’ve even agreed to spend another day at Disney—even with the insane crowds and overpriced snacks—not that I’ll ever admit that to Veronica. Then again, it’s possible it wasn’t the place I enjoyed, but the person I spent the time with.
Okay, so maybe the food and the rides weren’tthatbad either, but what made the day truly worth it was watching her face beam with constant excitement as she rushed us around the park, completely lost in the moment, without a care in the world. I know for a fact there’s no way I would’ve had as much fun going by myself or with anyone else, for that matter.
She’s the one calling the shots, though, so when we drove back to the hotel after another long day at the beach and she suggested we pack up tomorrow and spend the day driving down the coast before continuing our road trip, I didn’t have it in me to argue. Sure, it’s my vacation too, and I’m the one with the carand the keys, but the truth is, I didn’t want to say no. Veronica needs this vacation way more than I do. After putting up with Pete West for as long as she did, I’d say she’s more than earned it.