“It might as well be. You’ll see. You might’ve had a churro before, but you’ve never had aDisneyland churro. They’re in a league all their own.” As the people in front of us move aside, we step up to the counter. I quickly order two churros and slide my card over before he has the chance to argue. “My treat,” I say with a sickeningly sweet smile, knowing full well he’s annoyed given the way his jaw hardens. I’m still surprised I somehow managed to stop him from paying my entrance fee earlier. What I don’t get is why he wanted to, especially since the entire morning all he did was grumble about how this place is nothing but a giant overpriced scam.
Everyone knows Disneyland is expensive, but the chance to truly escape reality, be myself, and let go in a whimsical world makes it worth every penny, even if it is a whole lot of pennies.
As the cast member hands us each our churro, I nod for Miles to follow me down the pathway toward the iconic Matterhorn, with its rugged, snow-dusted peak. I can already hear the sound of gleeful screams echoing with each passing bobsled, and while I fully intend to make him climb into one later as we go in search of the great abominable snowman, right now, I have something more important planned.
“Well, go ahead. Take a bite,” I encourage with a nod, holding off on my own gratification since this is another first of his that I’m dying to witness.
He lets out a sigh, seemingly put out by my request, but reluctantly, he lifts the cinnamon stick to his lips and takes a bite. As usual, he’s as stoic as ever as he chews, giving no indication of what’s going on in that thick, hard-headed skull of his.
“Well?” I ask, spinning my free hand, beckoning him to give his opinion.
“It’s fine.” He nonchalantly shrugs, but as he brings the churro up to his mouth for a second bite, I see the slight grimace on his face, and I know that I’ve got him—no one, not even Broody Bennett can resist a Disneyland churro.
“Psh.” I brush him off. “You know it’s more than fine. I can see right through this little tough-guy act of yours and I know you already plan to get another one later, perhaps even one of the funky specialty ones.”
“Would I say no to getting another one?” he asks, still doing his best to hide the smile that so desperately wants to break free. “No, but I also wouldn’t go around claiming this is the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”
“And what is the best thing you’ve ever eaten, Bennett?” I ask, realizing just how flirty and suggestive that sounded—but even so, no regrets.
It’s clear from his widened eyes that he wasn’t expecting that kind of question from me, but he recovers quickly. “I’m not sure I can answer that, since I’m not so sure the answer is appropriate for a little Disney Princess like yourself,” he teases, nodding toward the pair of Mickey ears on my head, which are currently Snow White-themed.
While I hadn’t had a ton of time to plan, I’d luckily been able to Disney-bound my outfit to look like Snow White. Despite mylack of foresight, I had already packed a red tank top and a short, flowy royal blue skirt for my original trip. Then, as soon as we hit Main Street and stepped into the Emporium, I saw these ears, and knew they had to be mine.
It’s all so fitting, especially as I lead him toward Snow White’s Wishing Well. “I may be a Disney Princess, but I can promise you, I’m not as innocent as you may think.” I smile, chin held high, before taking a bite of my churro.
“I’m honestly not the least bit surprised, but I’m also thinking this may not be the best place to discuss this sort of thing,” he says, his eyes darting around the area. Given all the kids and families running around, I’m thinking he may be right—at least this time.
The one good thing, though, is that while a few people are lingering in this area, this particular part of the castle always seems to be a little less crowded than others. It tends to be one of those places many people overlook, and today, I couldn’t be more grateful.
“That’s okay. I don’t think you could handle what I’d have to tell you anyway.” I shrug, loving the way I seem to make him uncomfortable all over again as his jaw clenches. It may be a little mean, but he makes it way too easy.
“So where are we heading next?” he asks, in what I assume is an attempt to change the subject. Given that I’ve been dragging him from ride to ride since the rope drop, I’m not surprised he knows I already have our next destination picked out.
“Right here, actually.” I say, nodding ahead toward the small well only a few short feet in front of us.
“This feels like a bit of a letdown, especially after just getting off Space Mountain and Star Tours.”
I let out a soft laugh. “Well, nothing can really compare to Space Mountain, but I figured we could use a short break from the rides. Plus, not only is this one of the best places to get anamazing photo near the castle, but it’s tradition. Every time I come, I have to make a wish.”
“Great,” he says, rolling his eyes. “You are aware that I’m not Blair, right?”
“Oh, believe me, I know you’re not Blair, and the photos I’ve already made you take make that incredibly obvious. But since you’re all I’ve got, I kind of sort of need you, Miles,” I plead, making sure to pout my lips as I flutter my lashes at him.
“Ugh, let’s just get this over with,” he says, shoving the last bite of his churro into his mouth before wiping the excess sugar off his hands onto his khaki shorts.
“Not yet. We have to make our wish first.” I scoff, as if he’s so ridiculous.
“Let me guess. You’re going to wish that I was Blair and that you'd have brought her over me.”
“No,” I smile proudly. “I mean, sure, I miss Blair and would love to be at Disneyland with her again, but I kind of enjoy being here with you,” I admit, shrugging as I inch closer to the well and look down at all the other coins and wishes that have already been made. “You’re actually not half-bad company, Bennett.”
“Even with me continually complaining about the prices and long lines?” he asks, skepticism lacing his tone.
“Even with all the complaining. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I tease before holding out my churro for him to hold. Despite looking put out, he does as asked as I slip my bag off my shoulders and reach in for my wallet, finally pulling out two pennies. “Here, switch me back,” I request, grabbing my churro with one hand while dropping a penny into his.
“You really expect me to make a wish?” he asks, tilting his head downward as his brows inch toward his hairline.
“Yes, I do.” I confidently nod. “There’s nothing wrong with believing in a little bit of magic and happily ever after from time to time.”