Aaron had more important things to be worried about than a delusional dummy with a pussy. ‘You’re the caesura in my song that I don’t want or need.’ The day that his wife told him that, he had no idea what a caesura was. He knew it was musical because his wife could play any instrument that was put in her hand as well as sing like a songbird. He fell in love with her after she appeared in a talent show in the city. To know that his wife felt like he was an interruption to her song, what she called her life, made his soul die a little.

The day she said that, he went back home hours later. Something about her words wanted him to act right, even if it was for a fleeting time. Harmony acted as if he weren’t in the house. Dindi even walked past him with no concern. If he was in her way, she would use her little hands to tap him, then push him to tell him to move once she had his attention. He’d seen some of his friends with their daughters, and they worshipped the ground that their fathers walked on. After a couple daysof that, he decided to gather enough clothes to stay at his apartment on a more permanent basis.

He would never leave her, but he would give her space until he could get it right. He wasn’t sure how long that would take. All he knew was that he didn’t want to ultimately lose her. He didn’t move from his spot on the bed until he heard the doorbell ring. He was expecting his second in command, Reap, to come through for some business that they had to handle. Aaron had a nickname, Atomic, but rarely used it.

“Aaron!” Jennifer came into the room with heavy feet. “I know you don’t have a bitch coming here when you knew I would be here. How much more disrespectful can you be?”

He stood there confused as hell. “What the fuck are you talking about? Calm your stupid ass down.”

“The bitch in the living room right now asking for you!”

He waved her off to see what the hell she was talking about. When he got to the living room, his heart dropped to his feet. “Wha-what are you doing here?”

“I’m sure you thought that this place was your little secret. As you can see, it is not. Trust me. I don’t want to be here any more than you want me here. I guess you were too busy in pussy to answer your phone as usual.”

Kadence hated the man who stood before her. She knew her sister was too good for him from the day they met at the talent show. Harmony and Kadence both performed in the show as a duet and solo acts. Kadence looked Jennifer up and down, who stood there like she belonged. “Can you have your whore busy herself with leaving instead of standing here like an idiot?”

Aaron snapped out of his shock at his wife’s sister standing in the apartment that he swore his wife had no knowledge of. If Kadence knew, then it was safe to assume that Harmony knew. “Jennifer, go get dressed and leave.”

Jennifer’s mouth dropped so wide that two dicks could have comfortably fit inside. “Are you fucking serious right now? I need to leave when I was invited here? This bitch wasn’t.”

Kadence wasn’t the meek woman that her sister was. She smoothly took a few steps into Jennifer’s personal space, then punched her in the center of her face at the bridge of her nose. As Jennifer dropped to the floor with a screech, Kadence stood there poised in her high heels and body-con dress like she stepped right off a runway.

Aaron didn’t bother helping Jennifer because, once again, her refusal to follow instructions caused an adverse reaction. She looked at Aaron, silently begging for him to show her any level of respect, but she knew better. With a painful, bloody nose, she picked herself up and went into the bedroom to grab only her shoes and keys. She didn’t need to put on clothes. She had on a robe and had been outside in much less.

When she got back to the living room, the bitch that punched her in her face now sat on the couch with her legs crossed. She was more comfortable than she should have been. Who was this bitch? She pulled the front door open and jumped back at the sight of Reap.

“Damn, who fucked you up now?” Reap laughed with his words. He had never cared for her because of her desperation. Desperation in a person was dangerous. Every chance Reap got, he told his homeboy to get his shit together before Harmony left him.

Jennifer pushed past him after she told him to shut the fuck up. Reap walked into the apartment, immediately feeling the heaviness. “What’s up, Kadence. It’s been a long time.”

Reap knew Kadence well, as they dealt with each other when they were teenagers for a short stint. “Hey, Reap. You look nice. Yes, it’s been a while.”

Aaron didn’t have time for the superficial conversation that his sister-in-law and best friend were having. “Kadence, what’s going on? Why are you here?”

She stood on her feet. “Yes, I’m coming here to inform you that my sister, your wife, was killed early this morning in a car accident after she dropped Dindi off at day care.”

Her eyes misted over. She told herself before she came here that she would control her emotions. Aaron Cooper did not deserve to experience them.

The words were heard but not understood. Aaron’s eyes fell on Reap as if he could confirm what she told him. “What the fuck are you talking about? If something happened to Harmony, I would have known. I would have been notified.”

Kadence’s head dropped with a chuckle. When she looked up, there was fire in her eyes and a smirk on her face. “One, I’ve been calling you for hours and got no response. Two, you wouldn’t have been notified because my sister has me as her next of kin and as the person to notify in the event of death.”

That news was a blow to Aaron’s heart and ego. What did she mean that she was her next of kin, when he was Harmony’s husband? It felt like the room spun around him. Reap moved to his friend quickly to break his fall. Kadence stood there emotionless for Aaron.

“Please turn your phone on so that you can receive the funeral information. Two years ago, Harmony made me her power of attorney and executor of her estate. I’ll let you know about the funeral arrangements and take care of my niece while I’m here.”

Kadence started toward the door but was stopped by Reap’s voice. “Kad, come on, sweetheart. You don’t have to be so cold. You just told this man that he lost his wife.”

Her eyes bore into Reap. “He lost nothing. The man who was in an apartment that he thought was a secret from his wifewith a bitch who he clearly just fucked. Let me ask you this, Aaron. What’s the name of the day care that your daughter has been attending for the past two years?”

His head remained down because he had no idea. He just found out that she was in day care a little over six months ago when he came home and saw a paid invoice on the kitchen counter from the day care. Reap’s heart hurt for his friend because he knew the struggle of Aaron’s heart and actions.

“Like I thought. Reap, don’t tell me to not be cold to the man that didn’t value my sister. Like I said, I’ll let you know. If you have any special requests, let me know. I know she was considered the Queen or whatever of your lil club.” With no more words, Kadence left.

Aaron’s chest hurt. “What does she mean she called me? Reap, she didn’t call!” He shot up off the floor and went back into the bedroom to grab his phone. ‘Do Not Disturb.’ He would never put his phone on that because of the fact that he did have a wife and child. Suddenly, a warm feeling came over him.

He pressed the screen of his phone. When the line started to ring, he placed it on the speaker. The line rang three times before it was picked up.“Hey, baby.”