“Aaron,I don’t understand you. You begged me for our baby, and now you act like you don’t have time to be a damn father. What the hell is that about?”
Harmony was flabbergasted with her husband Aaron. They had been together since they were sixteen years old. From the beginning of their relationship, he begged her for a child. She pushed back for as long as her heart would let her but found herself pregnant before she planned or wanted. When she told Aaron, he was ecstatic. They got married as soon as she was eighteen years old.
It felt like things changed shortly after their daughter Dindi (Jin-Jee) was born. Harmony brushed it off because who wanted to think that their child’s father, no, their husband didn’t want to be bothered with the child that he begged to have. Things got considerably worse when Aaron took the crown as the leader of the King Of King Riders (K.O.K). That was a year ago, and it’d been downhill from there. Aaron was an amazing provider, but that was where it primarily ended.
He’d been in his father’s motorcycle club since he was eighteen. As the only child, when his father was killed in a motorcycle accident, he took over at just twenty-one years old. The club was more important to Aaron than his wife and child. He hated to admit that, but it was true. He could also admit that he should not have married Harmony because he wasn’t ready. His father told him as much, but Aaron was going to do what he wanted to do. He was so in love.
His father told him that it was possible to be in love and not ready at the same time. Yes, Aaron loved his wife, Harmony, and didn’t want to be without her. He just also loved fucking with the pussy that came with being the lead of one of the top motorcycle clubs in Charlotte, North Carolina. Between the businesses that he took over from his father, the illegal activities that the club dabbled in heavily, and the three motorcycle repair shops, he provided handsomely for his family. That was another thing his father told him: “Not taking care of your household is not an option. I don’t give a damn who’s on your dick.”
“Harmony, you know it’s not that. I’m just a busy man. Plus, no man wants to come home to a nagging wife.” Aaron was full of shit, and he knew it. He didn’t want to be a father at this moment. It was as if he wanted the clout of saying he was a father but wasn’t interested in the actions to truly be a good one. “I’m about to head out.”
When he walked into their home two hours ago, he hadn’t intended to stay as long as he had. Harmony caught him with their daughter in her arms and handed her off to him so that she could run errands. He sat there for an hour and a half, looking at his daughter, Dindi, as if she was a stranger. Little did he know, at three years old, he was a stranger to her. She had familiarity with him enough to not panic when her mother left her with him, but his being her father was not felt. Aaron sat on the couch while Dindi busied herself in her play area.
Harmony shook her head. She wished things were different, she really did. She loved her husband, but had fallen out of love a while ago. Her daughter was most important to her. She would have left if she felt that she could make it on her own without her daughter suffering. At least that was what she told herself. The fact was that she could leave and move to California with her sister, Kadence.
Kadence begged Harmony on multiple occasions to come out there and fall into her passion of songwriting. They came from a musically inclined family. Kadence followed her passion while Harmony followed a no-good man. In California, Kadence worked as a very successful songwriter. Harmony had even collaborated with her a few times. Those funds were sitting in an account just for Dindi. The real reason that Harmony didn’t want to leave was the fear that eventually Aaron would get it right, and she would miss it somehow.
“Ok, Aaron. Make sure you take what you need so I don’t have to see you for the rest of the week. Tell your bitch, whichever one it is this time, that I said thank you. I get so much peace when they keep you occupied.”
Aaron was on his way to the door when her words stopped him cold. He slowly spun on his heels. Her words hurt him. Was that how she really felt? This was her first time admitting that she knew of his affairs. Yeah, he had a few side bitches, but hemade sure that they all respected her as the Queen of the King. Harmony had a motorcycle and used to ride here and there, but her daughter became more important.
Harmony stood stoic as she peered at her husband. She was tired of acting like the quiet little wife. If he wanted to leave, he could, as long as he left his money behind so she could take care of their daughter in the life that they were accustomed to.
“No one said anything about me not coming back. I’m just going to handle some fucking business, Har. I don’t know why you’re always tripping.”
He was confused with his current feelings. He always thought that when she eventually mentioned his infidelities that she would be emotional or that she would flip out. At this moment, the vibe that she gave was that she didn’t give a damn.
Harmony smiled. “Sorry, I’m not being clear. I rather you did not come back soon. Dindi and I only miss beats when you’re around. See, you’re the caesura in my song that I don’t want or need.” She gave him a curt wave before she turned her back to him to travel up the stairs, but not before telling him to lock up first.
His heart broke at her nonchalant attitude.Is she cheating too?That was the only reason his mind could come up with as to why her attitude was so noncaring. He loved her, but he was twenty-four. He’d been with her since he was sixteen. They were each other’s first. Aaron never thought that they would be here either.
The first time he cheated was in the six-week period after Harmony had their daughter. From that one taste of something different, he craved more. The problem was that he selfishly didn’t want to leave his wife. He knew that she was his forever, but he just wanted forever a little later. With a worried mind, he left the home that he shared with his wife. There was nothing else that he could say.
“That was so fuckin’ good. I love it when you get into it with your bitch wife because you come over here and fuck the shit out of me.” Jennifer spoke out of turn like she was known to do.
Jennifer was one of Aaron’s side bitches that was a club groupie. Her pussy worked its way up to him, and once she got there, she refused to let go. She was willing to do anything to keep him in her grasp. Although she wasn’t the Queen, she still felt like the other bitches in the club gave her respect, knowing that she was Aaron’s main side bitch. The only time she was shown a lack of respect was when Harmony was around, which was not often.
Aaron cringed at her words. They were lying in the bed at an apartment that he owned. This was where he spent his nights when he wasn’t in his matrimonial home. Sometimes he was there with a bitch, other times he was not. Jennifer felt like she was more important than she was because she had a key to the apartment. That sounded good, but the complex had a gate that you had to be buzzed into or have a code, which she didn’t have. Without access to the complex, her key was useless.
“Jennifer, what the fuck did I tell you about even speaking about my wife? What’s going to happen is you’re going to make me fuck you up, then stop fucking with you altogether. My other bitches know better, but you’re the only one that doesn’t know how to follow instructions.”
No matter what he and his wife went through, he would never allow anyone to disrespect her. When she did come around the K.O.K, the red carpet was rolled out for her as itshould have been. All the bitches who would have normally been on Aaron’s dick fell so far back that they were hanging off a cliff. In the eyes of everyone, she was number one next to her husband, the leader of the club.
Jennifer hated that and made sure to make herself scarce when Harmony came around. It sickened her that she could have just had his dick in her mouth a few hours earlier, but now that his wife was around, he acted like the doting husband. She hated Harmony while Harmony didn’t know Jennifer existed. Harmony didn’t bother herself with the groupies that hung around the club, and as far as she was concerned, Jennifer was one of them.
Aaron’s haphazard threat didn’t sit right with her. This wasn’t the first time that he’d told her that, but she wanted it to be his last. “Aaron, I don’t understand why you just won’t leave her and be with me. I know you don’t want to be with her because you’re never with her like that. She doesn’t respect the club or you. I love you.”
She made his head hurt when she went on these ‘leave her and be with me’ rants. It would never happen. It was like everyone knew that except Jennifer. The other bitches in the club and elsewhere that he fucked on knew what the deal was. The only way that he wouldn’t be with her was if she left him or either of them died. Aaron would never let Harmony leave him. He was going to eventually get his shit together, and he needed her there when he did.
“Jennifer, I will never leave my wife. So we can stop having this fucking conversation. You love this dick, not me, because I haven’t done anything for you to love me. I don’t pay your bills, feed you, or anything. I barely speak to you in public if it’s not about club business. When I want to fuck, I call and you come, pun intended. Furthermore, I would never commit to a womanwho thought it was alright to fuck another woman’s husband. It will never be you.”
The coldness his tone held sent a chill up Jennifer’s spine. She was at his beck and call, and this was how he treated her. When he called her in the wee hours of the morning to come to the apartment to cook for him because Harmony was too busy with their needy ass daughter, Jennifer came running. Jennifer climbed her naked body out of bed to retrieve her robe. She scoffed at the thought of her not being important when she had clothes that stayed at the apartment.
“I know you’re just saying that because you’re in your feelings about whatever she did this time.” She tied the belt around her robe with her back to him as he casually lay in bed with his eyes on the ceiling. “Just so you know, I don’t think that it’s alright to fuck other women’s husbands. I fuck you because I do love you. I’m going to cook you something to eat.”