I stood, then pressed the call button to make sure she could before I gave her an answer. “Let’s see what Hestia says. If she says it’s cool, I’m taking you and my baby home.”
An uncertain expression sat on her face. “You’re not mad or think it’s too soon? I know you told me to get on birth control, but I forgot. I’m sorry.”
“The fuck you sorry for, Jin? Do I look like I’m mad? You’re my forever. Isn’t that what I told that interviewer? I meant that shit.” I reassured her.
She fidgeted with her fingers. “You’re not worried that our baby could possibly be deaf?”
“Jin, didn’t you tell me that the reason you’re deaf is because your mother had the flu and the COVID virus during her pregnancy? That tells me that it isn’t hereditary. Even if it was, I don’t give a fuck. That’s my baby in there, and I already love him or her just like I love you.” She had me messed up.
Hestia and Hera came into the room with a cheesy smile before Jin could respond. “Hey, sis! You ready to go home?
“Alright, you’re good to go. If you’re in pain, take some Tylenol. You know I’ll be over to check on you and my niecy-pooh. God, please let it be a girl!” Hestia put her hands together in a praying motion. “Make sure you make an appointment with your doctor this week, Dindi.”
“I will,” Dindi confirmed.
Fifteen minutes later, we were on our way home. We both got into the shower where I washed my baby’s body since she was still in pain. I made sure she was in the bed and asleep before I made some phone calls. I wanted to see if the rider circuit was talking yet. Yeah, the news traveled fast, and the message was heard.
I waited a few days before I broached the subject of what was the beef with my girl and those fuck ass Coopers. First that shit with Jennifer. Now they were sending muthafuckas to attack my woman. Shortly after Dindi and I began our relationship, I asked her if she ever fucked with Aaron. She adamantly told me that she did not. Well, if it wasn’t that, then it had to be something else.
We found out that the dude that attacked her cut the wires to the buzzer and somehow jimmied the lock. That didn’t sit well with me, so I reached out to a security firm to update the security in the building. It was a complete overhaul of a better, more advanced system. I wanted cameras in every inch of the perimeter of the building. The cameras in the studios had sound; however, clients could request that the sound be turned off. NDAs were signed with every client for the protection of their intellectual and creative properties. Everything was stipulated in the contracts that were signed. None of the artists thus far had an issue with it.
It was not widely known about the attack because that was how I wanted it. My mama had my baby on bed rest. She was at my house in the morning, at noon, and night, cooking. There was also a declaration that Sunday family dinners would be at my house until further notice. When Melody got here, she was on fire! Poseidon had to calm her ass all the way down.
Another reason I wanted to talk to her was because it was clear that she and Melody were holding something back. There was no way that I could affectively protect my woman and child if I didn’t know what the hell I was up against.
“Baby, why does it seem like you took three bites of that damn food?” I signed when she glanced up from her laptop at me after seeing me stand in front of her.
I walked into the living room where Jin sat on her laptop, I was sure, handling business. Her ass still wasn’t eating like she should. All I knew was she had better feed my damn baby. We went to the doctor the day after the attack to check on the baby. She was thirteen weeks pregnant, and the baby was doing well. We would find out what we were having on our next visit.
She huffed then rolled her eyes before her hands got to telling me shit I didn’t want to see. “I’m not hungry, Zeus.”
She only called me Zeus when she was annoyed with me, much like I called her Dindi when I was annoyed or mad with her. “Dindi, I get that you’re not, but I need you to eat. Maybe you forgot, but you’re pregnant. You need more protein. Do I need to get you some protein shakes and start juicing or something?”Was this our first signed argument?
“The shakes don’t sound too bad. I’ll eat some more.” Her head lowered to give her attention back to her laptop screen.
I moved to sit on the ottoman in front of her, causing her to put her eyes back on me. “Baby, we need to talk. Put that laptop away for a minute and turn it on.” She knew what I meant byturn it on.
Her face was contorted, but she shut down her laptop and closed it before she reached behind her ear. “Yes, Zeus.”
I snickered at her annoyance but chose to ignore it. “Baby, I need you to tell me what’s going on with you and the Coopers.” I held my hand up before she said anything. “Look, as your man, it’s my job to protect you, and I can’t do that shit if I don’t have all the details of what I’m protecting you against. Now you told me that you’ve never fucked with Aaron, but his wife almost killed you. Now they got someone coming to attack and trying to sexually assault you.
“Normally, I would let this shit go with you brushing off the conversation or deflecting. I’m not going to do that today. On top of protecting you, I’m protecting my child.”
She sat there for a moment before a tear fell down her cheek. “Aaron Cooper is my father. Him and my mother were married before she died. When she died, my auntie took me to California with her. He paid her three thousand dollars a month until I was eighteen. I’ve never seen or heard from him though.”
That was not at all what I expected to hear. Now that I had, it made her attack even more treacherous. These motherfuckin’ K.O.K bitches were going to have me eliminating an entire club.
We had a club meeting tonight. Now we were chilling at one of our bar and grills like we did after most of our meetings. Club members loitered inside and outside of our establishment. It was definitely a vibe. My brothers and sisters were outside leaning against our bikes, having conversation. I never stayed longer than two hours. I always showed my face as the president.
Jin was with Melody at the lake house. My baby needed to work in the studio. She didn’t feel comfortable enough to go back in Loud Silence yet, and that was understandable. I didn’t want to overcrowd her, especially with her cousin being here. Although I didn’t want to overcrowd her, I was still on her ass about eating. She was doing better.
“You know they buried that fuck boy a few days ago,” Poseidon blurted out.
I shrugged. “Rest in hell.”
There was nothing else that I had to say. I wouldn’t waste my time with a conversation. My brothers were aware of the news about Aaron Cooper being Dindi’s father. Later in the day that she told me about it, Melody brought over a box with all these documents and pictures of Aaron and her mother. They were together when they were teenagers, which was crazy. Him being married to that ho Jennifer now was a far stretch from the type of woman that Harmony seemed to be.