We stood outside, shooting the breeze. “I’m about to get out of here to go to the lake house.”
As I dapped Hades, three of our club members came down the block faster than they should have been. They caught the attention of everyone on the block because this was outside of the norm. When they passed us, they gave a signal that meant DEFCON 1.
Immediately, Hades and Poseidon pulled Hestia and Hera behind them. That didn’t stop my sisters from pulling their toolies. Everyone on the block pulled. Arke sent a loud call to the members that were inside the bar. Moments later, a slew of motorcycles came around the corner on the block. All of them were masked up, but the flags identified them as K.O.K.They fucked up now.
Rata Tata! Pop! Pop!A barrage of gunfire commenced. My people took cover the best they could while letting off on thosefuckas. From the way a lot of them were falling from their bikes, we were tearing their asses up. As fast as it started, it was over, and the remaining bikes were gone.
I saw the black in Hades’s, Arke’s, and Meliseus’s eyes. One glance at each other and they went into further action. They walked over to every person that lay on the ground and lodged bullets in their heads. It didn’t matter if it was a man or a woman. “Prostatéveis tin oikogéneia me káthe kóstos, akóma ki an aftó simaínei thánato állou í ton eaftó sou (You protect family at all costs, even if it means death of another or yourself).”
I texted my father a code that alerted him to call the mayor and chief of police. This wasn’t something that we could handle by ourselves. There was going to be a lot of black dress purchases, baby mama, mommas, and side chicks crying in the upcoming weeks. Hope those bitches had life insurance. K.O.K just fucked up.
“I don’t knowwhy the fuck I have to go through this every other week, Aaron. It’s like you can’t keep your damn dick in your pants. It’s been twenty-six years, dammit!”
We’d been married for twenty-six years. Aaron had been faithful to me a total of zero of them. It would be one thing if he did what he did with discretion, but no. He didn’t give a damn at all. He cheated with random women, the Kings’ Kitty bitches, and whoever else would allow his dick to visit their mouths, pussies, or ass. Before our sons were eighteen, he had a little more decorum. Once our youngest turned eighteen, he started to show his whole ass, or should I say dick.
When he was married to that Harmony bitch, yes, he cheated, but he was so discreet about it. If a bitch so much as stepped to her, he had bitches on her ass to beat her up. No one could fuck with the Queen. Me, the same didn’t apply. Every other week, I had a bitch in my face. When I told him about it, he was nonchalant about it. He never said anything to those bitches. The only thing that he hadn’t done was bring me an outside baby.
See, I knew when I was messing with him before we got married that he didn’t believe in having children out of wedlock. It was for that reason that I made sure to get pregnant. When we had sex, he made sure that he supplied the condoms. That was fine because I knew where he kept them at his hideaway apartment. A few holes in them was my way in.
We were on our way home from a K.O.K event. One of those Kitty bitches felt comfortable enough to tell me that I was getting old, and I needed to take a dick sucking refresher class. These bitches were disrespectful as hell. What made it worse was that my husband, who was supposed to love me, didn’t give a damn.
“Jennifer, if you have a problem, feel free to call your lawyer, draw up some papers, and get the fuck on. No one, and I do mean no one is keeping you here. I’ll even let you keep the house,” he said with an even tone.
I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. “Why do you treat me like this? All I’m asking is that you use some discretion. Stop these bitches from coming at me sideways. When you were with Harmony, you would have never allowed a bitch to step to her like they do to me.”
His jaw tightened before he stretched his neck. We stopped at a stoplight, which gave him time to face me. “Last I checked, you are not Harmony, you never were and never will be. My wife has been dead for twenty-seven fucking years, and you’re stilltrying to live up to her. Newsflash, you never will, no matter how hard you try, so stop making yourself look stupid.”
He spoke to me callously with no remorse for anything he said. After twenty-seven years, he still referred to her ass as his fucking wife. What kind of shit was that? “I’m your wife! She’s dead, but you still call that bitch your wife!”
The light turned green. Without looking at me, he spoke. “Bitch, watch your fucking mouth. You know exactly what this is, and you knew what it was from the moment you signed the prenup and we stood in front of that judge. I married you because I refused to have bastard children. You knew that, which was why your scandalous ass poked holes in condoms to get AJ. Don’t piss me off.
“As quiet as it’s kept, be lucky that you’re breathing after you almost killed my fucking daughter. I didn’t snap your neck because of my boys and the fact that I found out Dindi was alright.” He glanced at me with disgust.
I was the one who suggested that we get married shortly after I told him that I was pregnant. He had a hard time believing that I was pregnant in the first place, until he went to the doctor with me. He also had them perform a prenatal paternity test. After the test, he agreed to marry me. Imagine my surprise when a carrier delivered a prenuptial agreement to me for signature. I called him, thinking that I still had the trump card because he didn’t want bastard children. The death of his precious wife must have changed him in some way.
He told me no prenup, no marriage. The prenup only gave me a five-hundred-thousand-dollar payout, no matter how many years we were married, if I initiated the divorce. If he initiated the divorce, it would be an eight-hundred-thousand-dollar payout. If we divorced before our children were eighteen, then I would get child support. Oh, and we could not forget thatI would get to keep the house. There wasn’t an adultery clause in the document at all.
I foolishly allowed my desire to be with him in a deeper way than just his side chick, drive my decision to sign it. It wasn’t until later that I found out that I could have gotten a lawyer to negotiate the terms. A part of me knew that he blatantly disrespected me the way he did to try to get me to leave him. He’d rather pay out the five hundred thousand dollars than be in our marriage. He found out about the holes in the condoms about three months after we were married. He was pissed, and I thought he would beat my ass.
He didn’t though. He told me that he always knew I was scandalous, and I wasn’t worth fucking. Our other two sons were products of drunken fucks. He loved our sons—that was not debatable. He didn’t love me—that was also not debatable. I knew in the beginning that he didn’t, but I thought after all these years that some form of love would grow.
“There is no reason for her to fucking be here. Why the fuck is she here? I thought her deaf ass was in California,” I ranted.
This time, his head snapped my way. “I’m not going to tell you again to watch your fucking mouth. You been real loose with your mouth, and that shit is going to end bad for you. Get that shit to-fuckin-gether.”
We finally were home. Aaron sold the house that he owned with his wife and built another one. We lived out in Huntersville. I didn’t want to move to Huntersville. When I told him that, he told me to buy my own house. From day one, I’d never really had any say in our marriage. When I got on his nerves, he put money in my account and literally told me to get lost.
There had been times that I knew he was at his little hideaway apartment. There was a time when I had a key to that same apartment. I couldn’t get into the complex because of the security gate with my car, but there was a side walking gate thatpeople left propped open a lot of times. I would get in that way, then to the apartment and bang on the door until he opened it. When he opened the door, I would bust in and rush to the bedroom. It never failed that there was a bitch comfortably in the bed. Instead of him telling the bitch to leave, his ass would kick me out.
“Who the fuck is that on the porch?” Aaron’s voice brought me out of my thoughts.
I followed his eyes to see someone on our porch sitting against the wall next to the door on the ground. We both got out of the car to walk toward the door. Aaron pulled out his gun as a precaution. When you got within a certain distance of our front door, bright lights came on that faced the door. The closest house to ours was a street over. When the lights came on, my entire spirit left my body.
“Co-Cory? Cory! Oh my God!”
I ran to the porch and dropped to my knees at the sight of my son sitting on the ground dead. There was a bullet in his head. I knew that I was screaming, but I couldn’t hear myself. It felt like I couldn’t breathe. “Aaron! Do something!”