There was a gigantic house at the top of a hill and five smaller, but still large houses going down it. You heard about family compounds in books, maybe, but seeing one was a different thing. The landscaping was immaculate. I opened my phone to text Hera.
This is so gorgeous. Is your house here too?
Thank you! Yes, my house is the first one on the left closest to the big house. Zeus’s is the one closest to the gate on the right.
I wasn’t sure why she felt the need to tell me that. I didn’t care… that much. We finally stopped in front of the door at the big house. I wanted to take a picture of the huge statue that sat in the middle of the driveway but thought it would be weird. Theother cars that lined the driveway made me wonder who else was there.
Before he came to open my door, Zeus went inside for a second. When he came back out, he was followed by two other men.Mrs. Laverne has some fine ass sons!They greeted the two women before they grabbed my bags to bring in.
“Y’all can say hi. She has her implant on,” Hera said with an eye roll.
Hades laughed, then said, “Shit, I didn’t want to waste my damn hello.” He turned his attention to me. “What’s up, pretty lady? I mean, what up, sis?”
Poseidon and Hera huffed. Hades threw his hands up. “What the fuck! I’on know what to call her. I called her pretty lady, and Zeus looked like he was about to bust my ass. I’m just trying to say hi and live another day.”
His words did something unexpected. It pulled a verbal laugh from me. All the men’s heads turned in my direction. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand.I did not mean to do that!I closed my eyes because I probably sounded like a weirdo.
Zeus came over, and for the fourth time today, I was in his arms. “So, she does laugh. I’ll assume that you talk too. We’ll talk about that shit later.” With his last sentence, he looked directly into my eyes like he was letting me know I had no other options.I see this is a family of bullies.
He carried me through the home’s double doors. My eyes bounced back and forth around their enormous foyer until it landed on the most beautiful sight. The most beautiful crystal-clear grand piano was the centerpiece of the space. I wondered if anyone knew how to play it. My fingers started to tingle at the thought of my fingers on the keys.
“Come on so the girls can get her settled in her room. I’m gonna start cooking dinner. Dindi, my husband will be homesoon. You’ll meet him at dinner.” Mrs. Laverne threw out instructions.
Zeus kissed his mother’s forehead before he turned down a hallway that was just before the living room that sat to the right of the foyer. We ended up in a very big, nice bedroom that I knew I would enjoy being in.
“Do you want me to sit you on the bed?” Zeus asked. His eyes narrowed when I nodded my head. “Nah, I want to hear you tell me yes. I know you can talk. I already heard you talking in your room at your house.”
Now my eyes were narrowed because, what the fuck! He was supposed to be downstairs and outside. I stared at him in defiance. I heard Hestia and Hera snickering, but I wasn’t going to say shit. When he told me that he wouldn’t put me down until I told him to, I unwrapped my arms from around his neck so that I could sign to the sisters.
They both guffawed after I finished. “Um, she said, she hope you can stand on business with that because she’s not saying shit.” She snickered before she said the last thing that I signed. “She also said that we were going to see if Zeus had real Zeus strength.”
His head bucked back before he put his eyes on me with the corner of his top lip turned up. It was in the sexiest of ways too. “Word. That’s what you on, baby girl? Ight, bet!”
He carried me over to the sitting area that was in the room. In that area, there was a couch and love seat. The love seat faced the bed. My arms wrapped back around his neck when I felt his body lowering to sit. Once we were seated, he told the girls to get me settled in.Plan of tricking him to keep me in his arms accomplished.I didn’t realize it was a plan until this very moment, but yay to accomplishment.
When I scooted around gently on his lap to get more comfortable, because the position that I sat in had my side sore,he grabbed my hips. The hairs on my neck stood when the warmth from his breath soothed my ear. “Watch that moving around on my lap shit, baby girl. You don’t want to wake the monster.”
One thing that I loved about beingdisabledas crazy as it may sound was knowing that most people initially underestimated you. There was this air of insecurities that they assumed you had. The only, and I do mean only insecurity that Dindi Aria Paulson had was in the sound of my voice. I wouldn’t even call that an insecurity. I just got tired of the weird looks and whispers about the sound of my voice.
Blessed wasn’t enough of a word to describe having Auntie Kandence in my life for all the life that I remember. She made sure that I knew the power I possessed and how to use it. It was important, especially in the music industry. I could count on all fingers and toes plus someone else’s how many times people thought my deafness meant that I was stupid. I was anything but. My introverted nature was often misread as well because I was to myself but outgoing around the people that I trusted.
His lips were still near my ear. I pulled the top of my body away from him, looked at him square in his eyes, then shimmied on his lap until I was comfortable. I made sure that my focus stayed on him as I got comfortable. When I got to my comfy spot, I gave him a smirk before I leaned back into him so that I could sign.
With a smirk, Hera signed. “A time is about to be had I see. Let me find out you’re crushing on my brother.” She and Hestia giggled.
“More like let you find out that your brother has a crush on the kid.” To my signed words, they laughed uncontrollably.
Zeus shifted under me. “Y’all not going to talk about me in my fucking face. Rude asses, but I got something for that shit, Miss Dindi.”
For the next forty-five minutes, they put my things away. It would have gone a lot quicker if I let go of my stubbornness and just spoke, but nope. At least not today, or so I thought. Zeus was serious about not setting me down anywhere, and now, I had to pee as well as get freshened up for dinner.