Page 12 of Zeus: Love of a god

Hera and Hestia had just left the bedroom. Zeus showed me that he had great leg strength by standing with me in his arms. When he started toward the bedroom door, I took a deep breath before I let my voice be heard. “I need to use the bathroom and get freshened up.”

His movement stopped. Slowly, his head tilted down so that his focus was on me. There was this awkward but at the same time sensual silence that lingered between us. His smile lifted his cheeks. “I know you weren’t worried about letting me hear that sexy, squeaky voice? Make sure I hear it from now on, Jin.”

Jin… He gave me a nickname.I liked it. He helped me into the bathroom. I told him that I could manage. He grabbed the crutches that Hera left leaned against the wall and placed them against the counter in the bathroom before he closed the door.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to do this. It was harder to maneuver with this broken ankle than I thought it would be. Add to that the soreness from my broken rib and I was having more problems than I would have liked to admit. I used the bathroom, then washed my hands. I wanted to take a shower, but I knew that wasn’t something that I could accomplish alone. I picked up my phone that I set on the counter. I put a message in the group chat with Mrs. Laverne, Hera, Hestia, and me in it.


I want to take a shower but I need help.


Ok I’m coming now.


Thank you.

I grabbed the crutches, opened the bathroom door, then hobbled over to the dresser to grab a change of clothes. I was hungry and couldn’t wait to eat. I also was ready to be in this room alone so that I could be in my loud silence. I didn’t want to be rude to the family that selflessly was allowing me to stay in their space, for I’m not sure how long yet.

Hestia and Hera came to help me shower and get dressed. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and put on some lip gloss before I grabbed my crutches to make my way out to where the rest of the Basil family were.

“Jin, why you didn’t tell them to come get me? I would have come to get you,” Zeus said.

Because I could be an asshole sometimes, I pretended that I didn’t hear him and continued to hobble past him. I wanted to see something. I saw his brow hitch as I went past.

“Aye, she turned her hear me things off?” Zeus’s voice held distress like he was really bothered. It was cute.

Hera glanced at me with a knowing look. “I don’t think so. Dindi, can you hear me?” When I glanced in her direction with a head nod, she giggled. “Yeah, she can hear you.”

Zeus tittered. “Come on now, Jin. This how you want our story to begin?”

Before anyone could say anything else, Mrs. Laverne walked into the living room where we all were. “Y’all bring y’all beginning story behinds in this dining room so we can eat.” She pointed her finger at me, then Zeus. “I see y’all, and don’t think that I don’t. Miss Dindi, you can stop acting all innocent too, lil girl.” She said all of that with a smile.

Everyone got up to head to the dining room. Zeus asserted his dominance by scooping me up into his arms to carry meinstead of me using my crutches. Mr. Basil already sat at the head of a nicely sized table. Mrs. Laverne must have cooked some of this food earlier today before we got here. There was no way that she could have done all of this while I was getting settled. We sat, ate, they talked, I listened. No one forced me to talk, and I appreciated that. I appreciated everything.

Once I got settled later tonight, I would finally call my cousin to let her know what happened. Well, an abridged version. I wasn’t ready to feel the craziness of Melody Harmony Paulson. No one was ready for that shit.

“Hey,what y’all doing in here?” I asked when I walked into the living room of my parents’ house.

They were all cuddled up on the couch. I loved to see them like that. It was annoying at times to see them act like lovestruck teenagers, but I honestly wouldn’t want it any other way. Hell, they could be around here like Aaron’s and Jennifer’s stupid asses.

She was still doing stupid shit around Charlotte. Word on the street was that she had the Kitty bitches jump some girl that Aaron fucked with. That shit made no sense because he was fucking most, if not all the kitty bitches. Who did she have to jump them?

My mama kissed her teeth. “Boy, stop acting like you care what we’re doing. You’re lil best friend, girlfriend is in her room. She got a doctor’s appointment today, so you can take her.”

“First, she’s not my girlfriend, yet. Second, I know she does. That’s why I’m here.”

My father tittered. “Diekdíkise ti gynaíka sou, gie (Claim your wife, son).”

“Xéreis ídi, Pateroúlis (You already know, Daddy).”

My father knew me well because he raised us all to go after what we wanted with enthusiasm. AtDrag the Streets, when I saw Dindi from the back when Jennifer was pushing her ass, I felt a tingle or some shit. I thought it was just the good man in me who was a protector. When I walked into the hospital when it was time for me to pick her up, I knew that it was something more. I came into the initial situation of getting to know her with the assumption that she was shy. Her flirtatious ass taught me never to assume. I knew that, but sometimes you needed to be reminded.

“I’m going to take her to the doc to make sure she straight with her ankle. Her lil ass doesn’t like to use those damn crutches. Her ass is hardheaded as hell,” I said with a huff.

Dindi was stubborn as hell and secretive. To this day, she hadn’t told any of us what the real deal was with her beef with Jennifer. Deflection was real with her. Since she’d been here, she had her cochlear on more because as Greeks, hell, and blacks, we talked a fucking lot, and her ass was nosy. She hated it when we got into a good conversation and started moving around. It made it hard for her to read lips.