Page 96 of Maid in America

Barrett pushed Chastity’s skirt up around her waist and tugged her lacy panties to the side. Grasping his rock-hard erection, Chastity moaned in anticipation, her face a beautiful shade of pink, lips red from friction.

Unable to stand it for another second, he buried himself inside of her, both groaning in satisfaction as the months of frustrating distance between them vanished.

Barrett watched her face, basking in the long-awaited feel of her warmth wrapped around him again, a sensation powerful enough to make him struggle not to cum right then and there.

Tears streaked down the sides of Chastity’s temples. A brief smile graced her face, only to be replaced by a look of all-consuming pleasure as he slid in deeper.

Breathlessly, they stared into each other’s eyes, and Barrett paused, never having felt closer to anyone in his life.

“I love you, Aphrodite.”

Tears uninhibitedly streamed from the corners of her eyes, and she kissed him softly on the lips. “I love you, too.”

“We can do this. We can do this right this time. We can make this work. I’ll tell him I can’t go to Denver.”

“No,” she said, voice full of certainty. She circled her pelvis beneath him, making his eyes roll back with pleasure. She pulled his head down and spoke lowly in his ear.

“I’ll come with you.”

Barrett pulled back to look at her face. “What?”

“If you want.”

“Ofcourse,that’s what I want.” His smile was infectious.

“My lease is up in a few weeks. Barrett, we’ve spent enough time apart.” She bit his bottom lip and circled her hips again. “I’m never fucking letting you go again.”

He smiled and kissed her, his heart full. Now that they were together again, Barrett swore to himself that no matter where the path of life took them, it would take an actual act of God to pull them apart ever again.


Pulling a healthy blueorchid with fresh blooms from the moving box, Chastity set it gently on the bedroom windowsill of their new apartment. Cool fall rain dribbled down their window’s cornice, obscuring the bustling activity of Denver in a gloomy hue of gray. Despite the chill of the autumn air outside, Chastity glistened with sweat and the remnants of rainwater as she unboxed more items, swishing her hips to a country song blasting through her phone speakers.

Barrett was due to come home at any minute.


The word still warmed her every time she thought about it.

Even after a few months of dating, the thought of seeing him still made her giddy. Her legs ached from lifting, kneeling, and, best of all, adventurous sex. They had christened every room oftheir apartment, except for their walk-in closet -- but she still had plans to change that.

Singing along with the tune, she unpacked a framed picture of her and her parents at her high school graduation. She hesitated before propping it up on an end table beside a picture of Barrett and his late grandmother. She flattened the box and tossed it on top of the pile of cardboard to be recycled.

It was official.

They were living together.

Cohabitating. Living in sin, as her parents would say.

But nothing about being with him felt sinful. Their life together was unconventional, and everything she dreamed loving someone could be.

Their modest, new place was already shaping up. The warm-colored bulbs in the inset fixtures bathed the place in a golden hue. Her sparse furniture blended well with his, and the leather and cream-colored walls gave off a cozy feeling. Glancing at the new appliances and freshly painted walls, she felt grateful Barrett earned such a comfortable wage atMan Maid. His job made their new life possible.

Molly sniffed the pile of boxes and looked at Chastity approvingly. She climbed on the leather couch and nestled her face into a couple of fluffy throw pillows Chastity had excitedly picked out with what little she had left from her last check and her half of the first, last, and security. She felt like an adult, finally living her life with someone who adored her just as she was.

It finally felt like she was in the right place at the right time. Barrett made her feel like she belonged.

Her job hunt had taken less time than she’d anticipated, thanks to a glowing recommendation from Marcy’s dad at the bridal shop. Her new part-time gig at a similar boutique would provide just enough hours to help pay her half of the bills andgrant her enough time to do her last semester of college over, finally earning her degree as a doctor in Veterinary Science. Her first day of work would start in two days, and her classes would begin the week after. Until then, all that lay between her and seeing what Denver had to offer was the rain.