Page 97 of Maid in America

Suddenly, the alarm on her phone went off. She stood still as stone, having momentarily forgotten about the test on the bathroom counter. She walked slowly as if she could sneak up on it and face reality at her own pace.

A wash of dread and excitement flowed through her in equal measure. She forced her feet to move across the plush carpet through their bedroom and into theen suitebathroom.

Her legs weakened at the sight. She grabbed onto the towel bar for support, wanting to crumble the moment she saw the results.

Two pink lines.

She buried her head in her hands, unsure whether to ugly-cry, puke, or scream with joy. Smoky wove her way through Chastity’s legs, offering her warm, feline comfort in a moment of need. She lifted Smoky and held her against her chest, heart rate slowing at the sound of the animal’s purr.

Just then, she heard the jingle of keys in the lock and the front door opening, soon followed by heavy footfalls.

“Wow!” He whistled. “Baby, the place looks amazing!”

She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Her body had shut down. Her legs were pillars of cement, eyes unable to focus on anything but the positive pregnancy test on the counter. She quickly tried to figure out what to do, what to say, but the thoughts jumbled in her head.

“Chastity?” he called, searching the apartment. She could hear the sly smile in his voice without even seeing it. “Where are you? I want to show my undying appreciation. In thecloset,perhaps?”

If the situation had been any different, she would have laughed, but it suddenly seemed like the furthest thing from her mind.

She couldn’t keep this from him. Maybe he had already sensed it.

Something in the air. A feeling.

Hehadto somehow know that their lives had just changed.

“Found you.”

Her ears rang, barely registering the faint words from his lips.

After a few moments of clothes rustling nearby, Barrett tossed his briefs at her feet.

“You. Closet. Now,” he ordered playfully, like a sexy caveman.

When she didn’t move, his tone suddenly changed.

“Baby? Something wrong? You alright?”

Without a word, Chastity broke out into a sob, clutching Smoky tighter against her chest. “I am so sorry.”

“Whoa, what’s wrong?” His voice was comforting as he wrapped her in a tight, naked embrace. “What are you sorry for? Did you break something? It’s just stuff, we’ll replace it.”

Her teary eyes glanced down, and she nodded at the plastic stick balanced on the corner of the counter. Barrett followed her eyeline. His body suddenly grew rigid.

After a silence that must have lasted a full minute, another sob rocketed through Chastity’s body.

Barrett broke out in a small chuckle. In a few moments, it grew louder. Before long, Chastity pulled away, glancing at him like a madman as his body shook with laughter.

He recomposed himself and looked her in the eyes, face pulled into a wide smile, eyes prickling with tears of his own. “I’m… gonna… be a Dad?” He hooted, his voice now an excited shout, “Oh my God! Chastity… we’re gonna have a baby!?”

Chastity was stunned by his reaction.

“I… guessso.”

Barrett shot away from her like a spring, sprinting excitedly around the apartment. “We’re having a baby! Holy shit! What the…how?When? We’ve gotta… oh myGod!”

Chastity followed the sound of his shouts.

“Ahhhh!” he screamed, followed by another deep laugh. The smile on his face was infectious.