“Fine. It isn’t prostitution if I don’tpayyou for it. And since I’m no longer your client...” Lena grabbed his jaw and whipped his facetoward her, planting her lips on his.
Will jerked away, appalled. “What thehellhas gotten into you, Lena?!”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black Denali —Ava’s black Denali—idling in front of the house he was fleeing. His stomach flipped as he saw the look of horror on Ava’s face through the window. Her eyes were wide, jaw ajar, with an expression of utter shock.
As she registered the scene, her expression warped to fury.
Dammit! What the fuck was Ava doing here?
How did she know where I was?
How much of that did she see?!
Will bolted toward the street. “Ava! That was not—”
The tires squelched in the snow, spinningand struggling to gain traction. Ava was distraught, jamming the accelerator repeatedly, only to feel the tires slip again.
Will ran to her window and rapped his fist frantically on the glass.“Ava, please, just listen…”
Ava’s eyes flashed fire as she stepped onthe accelerator once again. This time, the tires caught. The Denali roared away, flinging snow at Will’s fire-retardant pants.
With tears welling in her eyes, Ava sped down the snowy blockand out of sight.
Will looked up at Lena Putnam and then back in the direction Ava had sped off.
Ava’s phone rangyet again,and she sentthe call to voicemail.
The screen lit up with a notification:11 missed calls.Will was persistent; she would give him that.
She knew what he did for a living, but as he stood in thatdoorway, bare-chested, kissing a woman he allegedly worked for, it broke Ava. She felt foolish for believing he offered a purely legitimate service. It all made sense now why Will was able to keep his hands to himself for so long…
Ava wasn’t the only woman in his life.
Watching him kiss Lena Putnamwas the final straw.One cheater had already insidiously snuck his way into her life. She wasn’t about to get entangled with another man just like him.
Mrs. Putnam had fake breasts and an evenfaker personality. If that’s the kind of woman Will wanted, so be it.
Ava was all natural.
A naturaldisaster, but natural nonetheless.
A fisthammeredthe door. Ava reluctantly pulled up the camerafeed on her phone.
It was Will, fully dressed in a button-down shirt and khakis.
Ava pushed the microphone button.“Go away, Will.”
“You’re not answering my calls. Ava, please let me explain what you saw. If you hear me out and still don’t want to talk to me, I’ll leave you alone,I promise.”
Ava growled,“If it’ll get you to stop blowing up my damnedphone,then fine.”She stormed to the front door and swung it open, gesturing halfheartedlyfor him to enter.
Will walked inside and moved a pile of unfolded clothes fromthe couch to clear a place to sit. Ava stood.
Will looked around. “I stillreallyneed to finish cleaning your house.”