“Don’t worry aboutmy house.Speak! Make it fast.”
Will swallowed hard.“I’m sorry you saw that yesterday. I promise you that is not how my customers act.”
“Clearly, that’s how at leastoneacts,” Ava snarled.“God knows how many others.”
“I fired her, Ava. Right before she wrenched my face like that and laid one on me.She propositioned me, and I fired her. I was leaving two hours early when you saw me.”
Ava crossed her arms and grimaced.
“Mrs. Putnam kissed me. I didn’t kiss herback. She’s a lonely housewife whose husband’s constantly away on business. She shouldn’t have done that.That’s not part of what I offer, I swear. I don’tsleepwith any of my clients. I don’tkissmy clients—”
“You kissedme.”
“You weren’t aclient.”
Ava threw her hands up in the air. “Do you hear yourself?”
“Sometimes these women try to get a little handsy. But, I swear,I always shut it down, Ava!”
“And I’m just supposed to believe that you don’t fuckanyof them?”
“Because that’s fuckingprostitution.I wouldneverwant to do that! And even if Idid, I would never risk that with Starla! Where would shegoif I got locked up for banging some married broad for money, Ava? Her mom alreadyabandonedher. She’s broughtenoughshame into the equation. I’m not gonna addto it!”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Ava, I need you to trust me right now.”
“Why? Why should I trust you?”
“Because when you love someone, you have to be able to trust them!”
The words hung heavy in the silence between them.
“Ava, I care about you. So much. I can see myself falling for you.”
Ava felt her rage fading but clung steadfastly to it. Rage kept her safeandprotected.
I won’t fall for another cheater. Not again.
Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice…
“I’mjust reallynot sure I believe you,” she said weakly.
“Tell me how I can prove it to you. I can’t prove something I haven’t done. So, just tell me what I have to do.”
Ava could hear his voice cracking with emotion and sincerity. She could feel her defenses crumbling.“I need some time to think.”
“I’m not your ex-husband, Ava. Please,don’t make me pay for his mistakes.”
His words gutted her.
“I walked into your house and saw him kissingyouand I trustedyourexplanation.”
“I just need time, Will.”