This room smells terrible and I have no idea how long I’ve been here sprawled on top of what I can only assume at this point is a dirty, disgusting mattress that is placed onto the floor.
Or that's my best guess because this stupid sack is still tied onto my head and my hands are still in handcuffs behind my back. But I guess I might as well be thankful for the sack on my head because it's keeping me from seeing what surely must be the filthiest mattress on the earth underneath me. I shudder to think what I'm lying on. Based on the smell alone, it's not good and it's definitely not clean.
I am holding my breath as I strain to listen to see if anyone or anything is near, but all I hear is the wind, and from the sounds of it, it’s tearing through this space so this building, or whatever it is, must be dilapidated.
I need to pee so bad and have for a while, but my choices seem bleak. Ask the man that kidnapped me or pee on myself? At this point, my vote is leaning towards peeing on myself.
I am not too anxious to call my kidnapper back into the room with me. Right now, I’m alone and that is the preferable situation. Dirty mattress and all. What’s a little pee smell mixed into the cacophony of smells in this place? I can’t help the humorless laugh that escapes me but before I can dwell on my decision for too long, I smell something different. Something good.Food.My stomach grumbles in response to the favorable scent but I'm afraid of anything this kidnapper might give to me because who knows what it's laced with.
The door squeaks on rusty hinges as it is unlocked from the outside and pushed open.
“I've gotten you something to eat.” My kidnapper says in that same low whisper-like voice, and that tells me he's hiding his identity from me.
I still don't have a clue who he is. Nothing is ringing a bell. But he must know who I am and he's afraid that I can identify him. He better be more worried that I don’t figure out a way to kill his ass. But I reign those thoughts in. He’s trying to be nice to me, so that is the angle that I need to work.
“Thank you. Is it possible for me to use the bathroom?” He must move to place the food down and I can only imagine what surfaces the food is now touching as well. God only knows what awaits me in the bathroom.
My kidnapper grabs my elbow, lifts me to my feet and we begin to walk. I stumble a little bit, tripping over my own feet but he doesn't let me fall.
I can't help but ask. “Why are you doing this? You don't seem like the type to kidnap people. So, I have to ask why you're doing this?”
He doesn't say anything, but I didn’t really expect the man to have a heart-to-heart with me as we shuffle along to the bathroom. We must arrive at our destination because he stops me with a hand on the handcuffs.
“Ouch.” I hiss as the metal bites into my already frayed flesh.
“I'm going to take these off and the sack, but only soon you can use the restroom and eat, but you should know that there's no way out and when you come back out, I will be right here waiting. Do you understand me?
I sigh a resigned sound before responding. “I do understand.”
I understand more than he realizes because now that I will have formally seen my kidnapper’s face, I know I’m not getting out of this alive. Why else would he let me see his face? It was too chaotic when we fought. I wouldn’t have been able to pick this man out of a lineup by his face alone. I couldn’t even describe one feature. It’s like my fight or flight kicked in and I chose to fight. Everything else didn’t matter.
Some fighter I turned out to be.I still got kidnapped despite my best efforts.
He takes off the cuffs and immediately I move my wrists in small circles and rub at my hands. One wrist is severely bruised, I can tell just by the way it feels. Possibly even fractured from where I was swung around the back of that fucking van.
But then a few seconds later the sack is pulled off the top of my head. My hair comes up with it cascading down over my face and I shake it and brush it out of my eyes. I squint against the brightness, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the sudden intrusion.
“The bathroom is straight ahead.” I don't even look at him, I just walk straight ahead, pushing through the old metal door. I jump when the door clangs shut behind me. The sound echoes around the room.
And just as I thought, this place is disgusting. It seems like maybe it's an old factory of some sort. The walls are brick and the floors are an old, well-worn tile that was once white but is now every putrid color imaginable.
The facilities are old. The whole bathroom is full of broken and busted grayed stalls. The brick walls are even chipped and broken down in spots and old graffiti is spray-painted everywhere. It's the literal place of my nightmares.
I make my way to the one stall that still has a door and pushing it open, the metal creaks on the hinges. Unbuttoning and unzipping my pants as fast as possible, I yank them down just enough to be able to hover over top of the commode and go as quickly as I can force myself. I stand and yank my pants back up, making quick work of securing them.
I highly doubt there's water in here so when I finish up I don't even bother to flush, I just come out of the stall and head to the sink. I turn the faucet and nothing comes out, just as I figured there's no water here. There are not even mirrors. They are long, broken and scattered throughout this room. I head toward the door and back toward my captivity, but before I can exit the bathroom, I hear my captor's phone ring.
I delay just on the other side of the door and wait for him to answer. Imagine my surprise when he answers it on speakerphone. He grumbles a greeting and when I hear who is on the other line I could bust into a pure fit of rage.
“It's me, Steven. I had to call on the burner. I tossed my other phone. I’m pretty sure that Rex was tracking me.” The very familiar voice says. “I’m on my way. Don't kill her yet. I want to help you. I love it when you’re dangerous and aggressive.”
Disgusting, and I am pissed.
It’s Tori! That fucking psychotic bitch!
“If Rex is tracking me, he is going to be pretty pissed. He wants his precious storm back, so when I get there, we have to be quick!"
I should've known! I should've known she would do this! She is obsessed with Rex after all. And now I feel a little bit bad that I thought maybe he had a hand in this because I can see this is all designed and executed by Tori. She's using Steven and I guarantee you she is fucking him to get him to do her will.