Page 42 of The Deceived

I storm out of the door come face-to-face with Steven.

His eyes grow large as I slap the hell out of him then snatch the phone out of his hand.

“You conniving, sneaky bitch. If I see you, Tori, I'm going to fucking kill you for this.”

Stephen snatches the phone back out of my hand but he takes it off the speaker and holds it to his ear.

I stand there seething, watching my handprint blossom red against his cheek as he holds the phone between his shoulder and his ear. He grabs me around the wrist placing the handcuffs back on me, but he locks them in front of my body this time instead of the back.

I don’t wait for him to place that sack back over my head, I just move and he comes along beside me to direct me back to that shitty, dirty room. Once we enter back inside, I cringe as I look around and try to imagine how many germs have infected my body. It’s disgusting in here. Trash, broken bottles, andoh yuck,is that a used condom?So much grossness litters the floor.

There is at least a couple of metal chairs at a table where the bags of fast food sit and I walk over to that and sit down. The time for being a considerate hostage has come and gone. Steven needs some real talk.

“Are you fucking Tori or is she paying you?”

I use my cuffed hands to drag a bag of food over to me. I pluck a straw from inside the bag and pull it from the wrapper and stab it into a cup. I grab the fountain drink and take a sip before placing it down beside the bag.

I almost feel sorry for Steven. He isn’t an ugly guy, but I bet my money that Tori lured him into this with sex and a promise of a relationship. I’ve seen his type plenty at the Manor. They are just sad and lonely. Those men have more money than sense though. Poor old Steven here, I’m pretty sure he has neither.

“You know that she is in love with Rex, right? Obsessed. As soon as you kill me, I’m guessing that is what she wants.” I snag a fry out of the bag and pop it into my mouth. “She’ll throw you under the bus.” I grab another fry and Steven watches me but I can tell he is listening. Hopefully, my words are sinking in.

“Having Rex is her goal, my friend.” I point my fry at him then bite it.

His face scrunches up in consternation. “Tori loves me. She is helping me get revenge on Rex for firing me, because he is in love with Tori and she doesn’t want anything to do with him.”

Wow. Steven is really dense.

“Sorry but you’re wrong.” I shove a bunch of fries in my mouth and before I can swallow them, the bitch herself enters the room.

“Tori.” Steven practically purrs and he rushes to her side, hugging her and they shove their tongues so far down each other's throats, I could vomit. I stop eating.

They finally stop and Tori beams a triumphant smile in my direction. “Hello, skank.” She laughs like she’s the funniest thing in the world. But then she walks over and slaps me. My head turns to the side from the force and I have no doubt that I will have a massive handprint on my cheek.

“That was for talking shit about me to my Steven. Here baby, set this up.”

She hands him a bag and I realize it’s a camera and a tripod. Steven wastes no time setting it up to where the camera is focused on the mattress.

Why do I have a feeling that I’m about to get back onto that nasty ass thing?

Once he’s done positioning the camera, he comes over to me and yanks me out of the chair by the handcuffs. My wrists ache and strain and I grit my teeth against the sharp bite of pain.

Steven drags me over and flings me down onto the mattress.

“Just like we said, baby. Do it just like we planned.” He walks over to Tori, kissing her again and I am disgusted, yet again. Steven is a fucking chump who is getting what he deserves by listening to her ass, I decide as he makes his way toward me.

Oh, fuck no.

Tori moves behind the camera and I see a red light come on that indicates she pressed record. Surely this isn’t about to happen but as I look back at Steven, he is moving toward me and is unbuttoning his pants.

I close my eyes and try to breathe long, deep, slow breaths as Steven pushes me back on the little shitty mattress and hangs my hands off a hook that I didn’t previously see there. The hook closes and I am stuck. Laying on this shitty bed with my hands strung up over my head.

“You don’t have to do this.” I whisper as he kneels between my legs.

“I’m sorry.” That’s all that he says as he gets my pants unfastened and begins to pull them down. Hung from this hook and powerless a tear falls down my cheek and I think of a man that has green eyes and how I wish he were the prince that saves the princess.

But my life isn’t a fairytale.

Steven looks to Tori and she nods for him to continue and I realize what she is doing. She is going to record him raping me. And she is going to put all the blame on him. Stupid fucking Steven.