Page 39 of The Deceived

“I want to know what is happening. Tell me.” It’s hard pretending as if I’m not scared especially since I don’t even know if he is still in the room with me. I take a step forward, then another. One more step and his voice is low as he cusses under his breath but as I make that next step I stumble and he catches me.

He doesn't let me fall. And that right there tells me a lot. He's keeping me safe. And I would do well to remember that.

“Can you tell me anything.” He doesn’t reply verbally, he just picks me up and places me back down on what I’m guessing is maybe a mattress. But he places me in a way that is a little more comfortable like he’s trying to help me out.Interesting.I wonder if he feels guilty for his part in this and I also wonder if I can work him over to my side.

It's easy enough for me to pry money out of men. I’m practically a pro at getting my way at his point. I decide to play on his good graces.

“Thank you.” I let a little shaky wobble enter my voice and he sighs like this is the last thing that he wants to be a part of. But that doesn’t seem to garner enough sympathy to even get this sack off of my head.

Damn it.

I hear his footsteps retreat from me and then a door creaks before it must close. I stay quiet listening as his footsteps pound down the hall.

“Call…” I couldn’t hear the name but he has the call on speakerphone because I can hear it ringing. He’s just going to let me listen? Or maybe he doesn’t realize that I can hear the call. Or likely he doesn’t fucking care because I won’t be alive much longer anyway so what does it matter?

The phone stops ringing, someone has answered and I pray that he leaves it on speakerphone.

“Hello.” The lady’s voice says and I'm about to shit my damn pants because I recognize that bitch’s voice! It’s Tori.

“We made it. The package is secure.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can. Do not engage. We discussed this.” Is this man a rapist? A murderer for hire? My mind runs wild with questions of the unknown and what this small tidbit of Tori’s involvement means. Discussed what exactly? My heart sinks in my chest. Rex has set this into motion. He plans to get rid of me. I shouldn’t be surprised. I knew better. I knew what he was capable of but I chose to see him differently.

Stupid.I am so fucking stupid and now I will pay with my life.



Ifollowed Lazz out of the back of the hotel and over to an unremarkable white van. But when the doors slide open, it’s like a technology hub. A couple of rough-looking guys sit inside working with the computers and I notice that they are wearing leather vests, their patches indicating they are Wild Man and Ghost and they are proud members of Iron Mayhem.

“Holy shit. What in the hell is all of this?” I ask as I follow Lazz into the back of the van and take the seat opposite of him as we sit in captain's chairs that have been turned around to face the rear of the vehicle.

“This is the mobile spy-mobile for the club. This tricked-out van can do all sorts of reconnaissance shit. Most of our members are veterans, after all. We like to utilize their training.” Lazz smiles as he casually laces his hands behind his head like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Hell, this guy is so laid back he probably doesn’t have any cares.

“Ghost, we got a partial. Can you run it?”

“Absolutely.” Lazz rattles off the information and as I wait, I can’t help where my mind wanders. I’m worried about Winter. Where is she? Is she hurt? I know she must be scared but I know wherever she is, she isn’t taking this shit lying down. My girl is smart. She’s likely to free herself before I can even attempt to extract her and I realize that is fine by me. I like her determination. She doesn’t wait for anyone. She makes shit happen for her and she will do whatever is necessary to make it happen.

Stay safe, little storm. I’m coming.

“Got it.” Ghost says as he swipes on the screen, expanding the searched information so we can all see it. “Virginia Holland.” He says and I am certain that all the color drains from my fucking face.

“Fuck!” I shout trying to reign my anger in only nothing can reign this anger in.

“I take it you know her?” Lazz asks and Wild Man and Ghost turn to face me.

“I know the name. I fired her__ what I’m now assuming is a relative…the other day. Steven Holland. Son of a bitch! I never in a million years thought he would do something like this.”

I like to think of myself as a pretty good judge of character, but the day that he was hired, I was at a summit. I was out of fucking town and it wasn’t me who hired him.

“Tori.” I fucking growl her name and start digging my phone out of my pocket.

“Okay fellas, we need to run a background and record sweep. Pull any real estate or holdings owned by Holland, family, or acquaintances.” Lazz instructs and as I pull my phone out of my pocket, I do something that I haven’t really done in far too long. I pray for Winter. I pray for her safety. I know all too well what it’s like to feel alone and scared. I think back to my childhood and pray that if it is Steven that has her, he at least will treat her well until I can get there and kill him.

I dial Tori and it rings too many times. Finally, she picks up.

“Hey, Rex. I was waiting on your call.” She sounds smug and far too pleased for my liking. I think about the way that she and I have butted heads recently and how that started when Winter showed up. I think about how I caught Tori berating Winter on more than one occasion and how many times Tori almost chastised me about my relationship with Winter.