Sent you help. Meet him in the lobby.
“Governor. Mr. Bane sent me to help.” I look up to see a smiling Lazzaro Mondragon. If Knox thinks he can help me, I’ll take it.
“Someone took Winter. I have a partial tag.” I say as we head out of back side of the hotel away from the waiting press.
Hang on Winter. I’m coming.
Islide across the floor of the van, again and bang against one of the wall panels. “Shit!” I shout as my head collides with the metal surface. I’m tossed from side to side the motion of the moving van bouncing me around on the hard surface of the floor.
What is happening?
I’ve concluded that there aren't any seats in the back because I’ve surely rolled all over every inch of this vehicle at this point. I’d have hit something by now. But I really don't know because he put this sack over my head and handcuffs on my wrists before he tossed me in here. Speaking of handcuffs, the metal bites into my wrist, again. I’d be shocked if it doesn’t bleed if this continues but I guess I have bigger fish to fry.
I’ll be lucky to be alive after this.
Maybe it’s morbid but I’m not afraid to die. Or maybe my sad little life makes it easier for me to think that I’d be okay to leave this all behind me. I don’t have anyone left to lose. But there’s a little thought in the back of my mind that tries to shout Rex’s name. I’m not listening to that though.
A phone rings at the front of the van and I try to stop sliding around long enough to pay attention. I brace my feet against the floor, hoping to stop myself from sliding as the van jostles along the road to its location.
Is it Rex on the phone?I hate that there’s a tiny kernel of hope there for the possibility that it isn’t him. That maybe he feels this thing sparking to life between us and he couldn’t possibly seek to destroy me in such a way. I hope he couldn’t fuck me so thoroughly, and plot my death. Is this a way to get rid of me? That’s a brutal way to end a scandal but me and karma did fuck up his re-election bid.
Or is it the Manor?Oh hell.If that is the case, I’ll definitely be dead soon. I would guess after my face was splashed around the media that I won’t be welcomed back to their fancy brothel. They strike me as being more professional than this. Especially the way this guy is driving. It doesn’t scream seasoned professional killer to me at all.
“Yes, I have the package.” He replies and his voice sounds off. Like he’s whispering or talking quietly. I don't know who this man is that kidnapped me but after he showed up in a maintenance uniform, my dumb ass let him in. I remember thinking his hair looked unnatural, like a bad wig and he had on glasses. But I blew that off and allowed him access and as soon as I turned my back; we were both fighting. I am by no means a fighter and this man outweighs me by a bit but I gave him hell and frankly, if I have to die, I went out fighting. I did scratch him so his DNA will at least be under my nails. Not to mention I hopefully gave him a little something to remember me by.
I snicker, “How’s that scratch?” Of course, he doesn’t answer but as we fought all over the hotel room, I did manage to grab my steak knife that was with the cutlery for my breakfast and I gave him a pretty nasty slice through his shirt to his arm. I was trying to stab him in the damn eye after I slapped his glasses off but he deflected it. It all happened so fast but I hope I got a few good shots in on this asshole.
He continues to talk in hushed tones and I can’t hear his whispers well enough to make anything out. I'm not sure how far we've gone out of the city but I know we're definitely out of the city. I can no longer hear the noise, the hustle, and the bustle. It’s quieter here.
We make a sharp turn a little too quickly, and I roll around on my side banging into the wall of the van.Dammit.“I’m going to get killed in the back of this vehicle before you get me to wherever you’re taking me. You don't have to drive like a maniac!” I shout into the void. Damn psychopath.
“Shut up.” That's all he says and I take a few seconds to try and analyze his voice. It doesn't sound familiar though. This has to be tied to the governor since I don't even know… well, anyone at all anymore. If my parents owed anyone any money they’re too late to collect. That just makes this situation even sadder. Will I even be found? I won’t be reported missing because there isn't anyone left who would miss me.
He must be off the phone now because I no longer hear his muffled voice. The road turns to gravel underneath us. I can hear the distinct sound of the gravel pinging against the underside of the van. A few moments later the van comes to stop and my kidnapper shuts off the engine then he gets out.
I wait in silence, the only sounds are my anxious puffs of air. I don’t wait long though. The doors open and I try to sit up. But I'm so confused and I don't know where I'm sitting at inside this fucking van. Can I kick out at him? This might be my only chance to escape.
I do just that and with a grunt, I know my kick landed true. But that didn’t even faze him it seems because he grabs my leg by the ankle, hauling me through the van door.
My head cracks on the metal beneath me so hard it jars my teeth and my ears ring. My captor drops my leg and before I can sit up or even fall to the ground, he snatches my arm and hauls me up to my feet in one swift move. He’s muscular, I recall. Something lands in my stomach with enough force that I groan but then I’m being tossed like I weigh nothing. Blood rushes to my head and it intensifies the throb that is growing there and the ringing in my ears sets my already frayed nerves even further on edge. I think that I’m upside down. He must be carrying me over his shoulder. I wonder if I can kick him?
I move my legs and his muscled arm comes up and locks my legs securely against his body, blocking my efforts.
Damn it.
“Hey, what the hell are you doing?” I question him but he doesn't say anything he just continues to carry me like a sack of flour.
My senses are on high alert. I hear a dog bark in the distance. Some type of loud music plays in the distance possibly from a house nearby. A door creaks and we must have entered our destination. Soon all sounds are muffled as he shuts the door behind us.
He walks around, his large footsteps reverberating on the walls around us. It smells terrible in here; the air is saturated with a very musty odor and I find a little niggle of fear creeps in at the idea of this is where I will die.
I don’t dwell on that for too long because he tosses me off of his shoulder and I land on an equally smelly soft surface. I roll to my side and push up onto my feet.