Page 15 of The Deceived

What in the hell? Who would send me a gift?

No one immediately comes to mind, but I can’t wait to see what is inside this box and why in the world Ace is making this an exception to their rule.

“Have a good night, Winter.” Ace turns and walks down the hall and for a moment I watch him, just enjoying the view before I shut the door.No harm in looking.I can guarantee you there’s harm, though, if you cross that man.

I place the box on my bed and tug at the ends of the velveteen bow then lift the top off of the box.

“Oh my God.” I gasp as I take in the crystal mesh bikini that rests inside. I pull out the small black envelope that lays on top, and run my finger under the edge of the envelope before pulling out the card.

Wear this tonight.

That’s all the elegantly written scrawl says but I have to hope this is from Rex. It wreaks of wealth, luxury, and power. I don’t see Ace breaking the rules for just anyone. It makes sense that it’s from Rex given the last conversation that I had with Lazz.

I have to hope.

It’s been two long weeks since I’ve seen the Governor. Two weeks of me questioning my every move, every angle, every available avenue. How do I even see him again? He may not return here. Then what? I’d just have to wait out this contract with the Manor. Then I’d be free to pursue him, just like I had originally planned.

Nothing will stop me from getting my retribution.

I drop the note onto the bed and pull out the bikini. The crystals slide through my fingers, twinkling in the light as I take it in, holding the brassiere up to my chest.

He sent me crystal lingerie.

I lift the bottoms and that’s when I notice the design is an intricate swirling pattern. There’s a chain that acts like a thong running from what you would call the panty that will clasp around my waist.

What’s this?

I lay the items off to the side and pull out another small pink box. I gasp, my hand shooting to my mouth as I take in what is before me. Inside, rests a pair of diamond earrings.

“Are these real?” I turn them this way and that as I inspect them. It certainly appears that they are real. Each stone is easily two carats.

Tonight, suddenly got very interesting.

If there’s a chance that Rex is coming in tonight, I have to look my best and I have the perfect thing to wear over this crystal bikini.

I place the earrings down on the bed and amble my way toward my closet. I begin to shuffle through the gowns that hang there until I find the one that I’m looking for.

“There you are.” I practically purr as I slide the dress from the hanger and grab a pair of rhinestone-encrusted shoes. I head back toward my bed to get dressed. I’ve been dying to wear this gown and now with this bikini; it will look perfect.

I ease myself into the bra, the cold metal pebbling my nipples as I hook the clasp on the side. Then I slide my legs into the panties.

“Oh fuck.” I hiss as the cold metal touches my most intimate parts. I pull the chain up around my waist, fastening the clasp onto my hip. I turn to the mirror and inhale sharply when I see my reflection. This fits my curves perfectly.

How did he know what size I am?

I turn, gazing at my reflection from every angle and I have to say even I am impressed with the way this flatters my fuller, hourglass figure.

I’m definitely feeling myself.

I stride back to my bed and pick up the dress. I’m extra careful as I slide the delicate, sheer material over my head. The plunging neckline and back showcase this brazierre perfectly and the slits to my waist on each side of the dress showcase the crystal-encrusted panties underneath.

I secure each diamond on my ear and spritz myself lightly with my favorite vanilla and jasmine scent before making my way down to the casino floor to start my night.

Once on the casino floor, I take a lap around the room. Allowing myself to be noticed as well as to see if a certain Governor may be here. I don’t see him and honestly, I’m a little disappointed. But before I can dwell on that disappointment for too long, a handsome gentleman calls me over to the table that he’s gambling at.

“Hello, I’m Winter.” I greet as I walk up. Extending my hand.

His dark brown eyes scan me from head to toe causing me to have an involuntary shiver. I don’t know who this man is, but he puts off one hell of a dangerous vibe. He shakes my hand, kissing the back, I can’t help the little giggle that escapes me before he releases my hand.