Page 16 of The Deceived

“Krasivaya zhenshchina, blow on this.” He addresses me in Russian and English, his accent wrapping around each word spoken in both languages, the English portion heavily accented. English is absolutely not his first language.

“I’m sorry?” My brow wrinkles with disgust and confusion and honestly, I’m slightly offended. Sure blowing him could happen but he doesn’t need to be so brazen. At least introduce yourself.

“Here, my dorogoy.” I smile then, laughing before blowing seductively on the dice that the handsome man holds out before me. He winks at me, then hands me a poker chip before he turns back to the table and tosses the dice down the table. We both watch as the dice tumble across the surface until they land.

“Winner!” The croupier calls. The handsome man winks at me again. I cheer for him, smiling before I kiss his cheek, pressing my tits against his arm. The rich guy hands me a five-hundred-dollar poker chip.

“We make a good team.”

I’ll stand here and do this shit all night.

It beats the blow job I gave the night before last to a man who is old enough to be my granddad.Gross.But the federal judge from New York liked the way I played with his balls while I went down on him. The old me might feel bad for thinking and doing these things, but the old me died along with my parents. Whatever the cost, I’ll pay it to seek my retribution.

If only the Governor would return, I wouldn’t have to carry on fooling around randomly with the patrons of this fine establishment. I could lock him down and get him exactly where I need him to be.

“What did you say your name was?” I ask as I twirl the poker chip between my fingers.

“I didn’t. Okay, one last roll. I’m ready to take a break, see what else this place has to offer.”

The guy raises the dice to my lips.

No name it is. I’m okay with that, too.

I already know where this is headed, but the man is handsome, smells good, and tips like crazy. It could be worse I suppose. I blow on the dice and while he rolls and I take a moment to look around the expansive room.

I spy Lila sitting on an equally as dangerous-looking man’s lap in the corner. I’d be worried but she looks like she’s enjoying it as his hand races up the slit in the side of her dress.

I turn my attention to the entrance and hold my breath as the crowd parts for Knox Bane to amble through; looking as deadly as they say he is and right behind him is Rex fucking Dean.

He’s back.

My heart races at the sight of him and I stalk his every move. Fuck. He looks magnificent in his black tailored suit, looking every bit the part of the Governor. The fabric clings to every muscle perfectly and as much as it pisses me off to admit it, he looks as fantastic as he always has. That’s part of the reason I was drawn to him in my youth.

The man has always been able to pull off wearing a suit and a uniform.

Rex scans the room from side to side almost like he’s searching for someone as Knox heads off to the bar. And when his eyes land on me, a pompous ass smile crosses his face. I know right then that I’ve managed to hook this piece of shit, even if it is momentary. I will use every advantage that I can gain.

I wink at Rex before stepping up on my tiptoes to kiss the Russian’s cheek. He just smiles as he charges a gaming assistant employed by the Manor to gather his winnings for counting, and cash them out in on his behalf.

“Here’s one more, dorogoy.” He hands me one more five-hundred-dollar chip making my tip total about one thousand dollars so far tonight. Not bad for just a few minutes’ worth of work. And by work, I mean kissing this man’s ass.

“Thank you.” I glance in Rex’s direction as I take the chip from the gentlemen just in time to see a muscle ticking in Rex’s jaw.

He’s pissed that I’m with the Russian.This just keeps getting better.I slide my arm around the attractive stranger’s neck and lay my head on his shoulder.

Time to bait Rex into action.



Kirill Volkov also known asThe Wolf, the King of the Volkov Bratvawraps his arm around Winter’s back and mother fucker do I want to break that arm.

Every piece of intelligence that I ever saw regarding his dynasty, and his father’s before him, flashes through my mind. Intel on their operations not only in Russia but also on several continents throughout the world. Trafficking guns, nukes and humans, money laundering and, I’m certain, even more than our intelligence could gather.

His reach knows no bounds. The Wolf isn’t someone that you want to cross, but neither am I.

I want to break every single one of his fingers that are slowly gliding across the outer edge of her breast, daring to touch her perfect fucking tit and the lingerie that I sent her.