The offer is certainly tempting, but as much as I would love to get to know the three of them better, I’m exhausted. I didn’t sleep well last night, and after spending the morning travelling and the afternoon wandering around a new city, I’m completely drained.
“Thank you so much, but I’ll have to pass. It sounds amazing, honestly, but I’m absolutely wiped out.”
“Ah, come on!” Ben protests with a grin. “The best cure forexhaustion is a drink. Or three.”
They laugh in unison at that, and I smile at the sound.
“Tomorrow,” I promise, holding up my hands in surrender. “I’ll definitely join you tomorrow night - if you’re all up for going out, that is. I just need to recharge a bit first.”
Camila studies me with a critical eye, then smirks. “Fine, tomorrow it is. But no excuses, okay?”
“Deal,” I say, already feeling a wave of relief at the thought of crawling under the covers.
It’s not that much later that the three of them start getting ready. Their easy banter fills the room as they discuss the night ahead, and I watch as they move towards the door.
“You’re sure you won’t join us?” Camila asks as they’re about to leave.
I’m comfortably tucked up in bed and genuinely couldn’t think of anything worse than going out right now.
“Tomorrow,” I promise.
She smiles, and the door clicks shut behind them as they head out. The room falls into a peaceful silence, and I send a quick message to my mum and Laura to update them that my dorm mates seem lovely before I lie back in bed and allow the soft hum of the city outside to lull me into a sense of calm.
Tomorrow, I think, closing my eyes.
Tomorrow, I’ll start saying yes.
Chapter Three
The morning sunlight streams through the large dorm window, casting a golden glow over the room, and I wake to the sound of birds chirping and the distant hum of city life outside.
For the first time in what feels like forever, I’m genuinely excited to step into the day.
Madrid is alive, but my dormmates are not. I’d heard them come back to the room just before six o’clock this morning, so I highly doubt that they’ll wake anytime soon.
I get ready as quietly and as quickly as I can so as not to disturb them. After enjoying breakfast in the hostel’s common area - a mix of pastries, strong coffee, and fruit - I decide to make my way toward El Retiro Park. It’s one of the places Sofía recommended yesterday, and her enthusiasm about it has stuck with me.
The park is, of course, breathtaking. Tree-lined paths seem to stretch out in every direction, their leaves rustling gently in the January breeze. I sit by the water for a while, letting the tranquil atmosphere soak into me.
It’s nice to take some time out and relax, something I’ve never really indulged in back home.
I snap a quick photo and send it to my mum and Laura before I leave to find lunch.
There are so many familiar fast-food options, but I decide to avoid those and wander into a small café nearby. The menu is entirely in Spanish, but I’m determined to embrace the culture. I stumble through my order, and the waiter’s kind smile assures me that my efforts aren’t entirely embarrassing.
He’s heard worse, I’m sure.
The food is simple but delicious: a fresh tortilla española paired with a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade. I have no interest in waiting around, though, and by the time I return to the hostel, the sun is starting to dip toward the horizon; its warm, amber light washes over the city, casting long shadows.
I walk into the dorm to discover that Ben, Camila, and Zoey are all there, sprawled across their respective beds.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that none of them have moved much at all today.
“You’re back!” Camila exclaims, sitting up and flashing me a bright smile. “How was your day?”
“It’s been great,” I say, dropping my bag onto my bed.
“Good,” Camila says. Her eyes sparkle mischievously. “And you’re still coming out with us tonight, right?”