“Hi,” I say, nodding at each of them as I unclip my bag from around my waist and place it down on the bed. “It’s lovely to meet you all.”

“Have you been in Madrid for long?” Camila asks, tilting her head.

“I just got here this afternoon,” I tell her.

“Where are you from?” Ben says, swinging his legs over the side of his bunk.

“Manchester, U.K.”

“Ah, a Brit!” Camila says, her smile widening. “I spent a month in London last year. A gorgeous city, really; butsoexpensive.”

I hum in agreement as I move to sit on my bed. “Tell me about it. It’s much cheaper up north,” I say.

It’s a relief to finally sit down after walking around so much, and my feet practically sing as I kick my trainers off and tuck them under the bed.

“What brings you to Madrid?” Zoey asks, her Scottish accent soft but distinct all the same.

I hesitate before I answer the question. The weight of the past few weeks is still fresh, and though the three of them seem friendly enough, I don’t want to go into too much detail.

“I wanted a change of scenery, and this seemed as good a place as any,” I say, keeping it simple. “A fresh start, I guess.”

Ben nods knowingly. “Definitely a good place for it. Madrid’s got this vibe. Chaotic, but in the best way.”

“How long are you staying?” Camila asks, tilting her head.

“I’m… actually, I’m not sure yet,” I admit. “I’m not in any rush to leave. I was thinking about teaching English, and I’ve been in touch with a few different agencies about it, but I’ll see how things go.”

“Well, there’s always a demand for that,” Zoey says.

I nod. “Here’s hoping,” I smile before my eyes flicker around them. “How about you guys? How long are you all staying for?”

“Not too much longer for me,” Ben says. “I’ve been traveling around Europe for a couple of months now. Madrid’s my last stop before heading home.”

“Months?” I echo, impressed. “That sounds incredible.”

“I can’t lie, it's been pretty epic,” he replies. “But my bank account disagrees, so it’s probably time to face reality.”

“I’ve got another two weeks or so here,” Camila says. “I’mkind of winging it. Wherever feels right, I go. I’m thinking of heading to Seville next.”

“That’s so cool,” I say, a little envious of her carefree spirit. “What about you, Zoey?”

Zoey shrugs, tucking her legs beneath her on the bed. “I’ve been here for a week already, but I don’t have much of a plan. Might head to Barcelona next, or... who knows?”

“Wow. It sounds like you’re all pros at this travel thing,” I say with a laugh.

Camila smiles. “You’ll catch on quickly.”

“Yeah, you will,” Ben agrees. “So, have you managed to explore yet?”

“A little,” I confirm.

“And how was it?” he presses.

“It’s... beautiful,” I say, letting out a soft laugh. “I think I’m already falling in love with this city.”

“You’ll love it even more at night,” Camila says. “We’re going out tonight, actually. You should come with us!”

Zoey perks up at that, her quiet energy turning a little more lively. “Ben has found a rooftop bar that’s supposed to have incredible views of the city.”