He smiles in what he deems is sexy. “Well, it just so happens I do. Wanna know who I’ve been thinking about recently while I’m—”
“Fuck off, Max,” Jacob warns from behind my flirter.
Max turns like he’s been caught with his fingers in the cookie jar but then straightens his shoulders ready to stand his ground. “Rosie’s single, man. That means she fair game.”
Jacob steps forward. “Refer to her as fair game again, and I’ll—”
“Okay, man, calm down.” Max looks between us with obvious annoyance. “You two should really figure your shit out.” He walks over to where Amber stands at the bar, his hand snaking around her waist.Cretin.
“Thanks,” I say, turning to walk back to the table. Jacob takes my hand in his, and I close my eyes against the sensation that surges through me.
“Rosie, wait.”
I face him once more. “Jacob, I know I said you should just tell me what you have to say, but whatever it is can wait until after the wedding. I need to focus on Vicki and ensure she’s happy and having the best time.”
“Maybe so, but you deserve to know—”
“I deserved to know ten years ago. I can wait another one and a half weeks.”
Even if it kills me.
“But for now, can we just pretend to like each other, so whatever it is that’s happening between us doesn’t overshadow Vicki and Jase’s wedding?”
“Still so fucking stubborn.”
I’m overcome with a sense of melancholy. “You used to love that about me.” Turning on my heel, I hear his reply, one that’s like taking a hammer to my heart.
“I still do.”
“Come on, Rosie, come with me,” Vicki drunkenly pleads, snatching my hand and leading me away from the Clubhouse.
“As your most sober friend, I don’t think this is a great idea. You can have your membership revoked.”
It’s going on four in the morning, and it’s still dark outside, no hint of a sunrise looming over the horizon. The Clubhouse closed four hours ago, but that doesn’t seem to have stopped this lot from overrunning the golf course. The moon above casts a sensual silver glow over the green, throwing our bodies into silhouettes. Jase and Peter are further ahead smashing glow- in-the-dark balls down the fairway. Even in their drunken state, they still think Tiger Woods has nothing on them. Amber and Max have disappeared into the shadows no doubt fulfilling their fantasies they’re too scared to do sober. Katy has passed out, making herself comfortable on a Clubhouse pool lounge. And Jacob, well, Jacob left, excusing himself from the festivities shortly after our interaction.
That leaves me with Vicki. A very inebriated Vicki. Yet, even while in these drunken states, she turns into a philosophy major.
“And as your drunk friend, I’m telling you the universe wants us here because otherwise we wouldn’t be… here. Sit.” Grabbing my hand, she yanks me down onto the green. Laying side by side, we stare at the glowing moon, bathing us in its beauty. After a few moments silence with only Jase and Peter cheering in the distance, Vicki continues, “Tonight just kicked ass, Rosie. Like, that was fucking epic.”
I squeeze her hand. “Only the best for you.”
“You just wait, Rosie.”
“What for?”
“When it comes time for your bachelorette party, it’s going to be fucking awesome just like mine. That is, of course, if I’ll be your maid of honor.” A few seconds pass. “Matron of honor. I mean your fucking matron of honor ‘cause you know, I’ll be married and shit.”
We both giggle but then her tone takes an edge of seriousness. “I hope you and Jacob get married one day.”
My heart suffers a brutal blow. “Vicki, why on earth would you think that?”
“Because I’ve seen firsthand how that man looks at you.”
“We have a history, and it didn’t end well. So, if he’s looking at me a certain way it’s because he doesn’t know how to tread.”
“Bullshit, Rosie. He looks like he’s carrying the weight of the world for you.”