“He’s not gay, I can assure you.”
She turns with a knowing smile. “Of course, he’s not gay. His eyes are only for you. Have been ever since he walked into games night.”
“I don’t wanna talk about Jacob.”
“Well, your tequila shots aren’t going to give you any good advice. Trust me on that.”
“Vicki, this is your night.” I laugh. “Well, actually, this is your month.”
She playfully slaps my arm. “Shut up, whore.”
“No, but seriously, Jacob and I have a history, and it ended terribly. I wasn’t expecting him to suddenly walk back into my life, and it isn’t fair he’s occupying my thoughts when I should be focusing on you.”
“Well, one day you’re going to have to tell me about this history because right now you only have me speculating and trust me, this brain of mine is coming up with all sorts of stories.”
I pass Vicki a wine. “Trust me, when I find out the rest myself, I’ll be sure to tell you. Cheers.” We clink glasses, and as Vicki takes a sip, I see her wide eyes startled by something or someone over my shoulder, her finger pointing to me.
A hand clasps over mine pulling me away from Vicki, who takes my wine before it spills.
“Oh, no… you should take the bride,” I say to the sexy-as-sin male stripper leading me back to the group. Had I not been an emotional mess due to Jacob’s return, I would probably enjoy the show. “Please, Vicki should be getting the—”
The stripper pulls me against his already naked and rock-hard chest effectively cutting off my protests, before sending me onto a dancer’s dip. I hold on tight pleading with him to choose someone else.
“What’s your name, beautiful?” he asks in a voice he probably uses in the bedroom just before performing his unspeakable acts.
“R-Rosie,” I stammer
“Rosie, I’m Sam.”
“Hi, Sam. You should really get Vic—”
I’m pulled back into Sam’s arms where he proceeds to lower me onto the table where the group is sitting around. The same table staff have just cleared and cleaned for the new show—starring me.
“Yes, girl,” Amber squeals clapping in excitement, and completely ignorant to my horrified pleas.
“Lucky, bitch,” Katy says squeezing my arm.
Max and Peter also sit on that side, grinning ear to ear with the debauchery about to take place. Peter will be pleased seeing as I’d overheard him saying I should loosen up. Perhaps he’s right. But then again, his life didn’t turn into a shit storm. Hands hook under my arms dragging me further back while Sam climbs on the table, legs either side as he stands over me, one leg gently bouncing to the beat of the music.
This isnotgood.
He turns, falling to the table, his groin only inches from my face as his hips sway in the sixty-nine position. Sam’s legs block those sitting around me, a small mercy I take. I stare up at the glittery ceiling wishing I could be zapped up by some passing alien. Sam moves position until he’s now practically on top of me. His hips gyrating with a disturbing enthusiasm.
Fuck my life.
I make the mistake of turning to the left. It’s almost like I have no control over the magnetism that pulls my eyes to his. While Sam grinds his ratherhappy groin against mine, his lips trailing down my neck, Jacob looks ready to explode in anger. His rage is palpable, and as his narrowed stare penetrates deep into my soul, I not only get a taste of his jealousy.
I feel his ten years of pain.
I feel the years of story he hasn’t yet been able to share.
Unable to stand the sight any longer, Jacob pushes his chair back until it tips and stalks out of sight. Sam finishes his routine, stripping down to his very unsexy, very orange G-string. Katy then stuffing a handful of dollars in the thin straps and grabbing a cheeky feel while she’s at it.
Sam takes my hand and helps me off the table. I return his smile because he seems a lovely guy and professional at his job. Kissing my cheek, he wishes me a goodnight and disappears off the main floor. I’m straightening and smoothing my dress when Max appears.
“If he’s put you inthemood…” he begins, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear, “… we can take it somewhere else.”
Grabbing his hand, I nudge it aside. “Max, you’re a really good-looking guy. But you’d only be staring in the mirror the whole time, which would be more like having sex with yourself. Which you probably do regularly.”