Sounds about right, but I don’t like where this is going. “And then?”
“Well… let’s just say you gave Vicki and me some kinky ideas for the bedroom.”
Jesus Christ.
Shoot. Me. Now.
“You’re lying to me.”
Jase laughs. “We can go out now and ask Vicki if you like?”
“No! I believe you. Please tell me you haven’t have shown…”
I sigh. “Yes.”
“Rosie, you’ve never been so easy to tease. The answer is no, I haven’t shown him.”
“Thank you. Although I feel like this is going to be held against me for the rest of my life. There should be a clause that whatever is said or done when drunk cannot be used as blackmail.”
“You have my word, he’ll never see or hear a word of it.”
His tone tells me there’s a condition attached. “But?”
“All bets are off if you feel like you can’t be a part of the wedding party anymore because of him.”
I nod, feeling my throat constrict. I woke not only hungover and dehydrated, but my eyes are red-rimmed and swollen, my face puffy and tired.
“Hey,” Jase’s tone softens, all jokes aside as he places a reassuring hand on my mine. “I don’t know what’s happened between you two, but I can see you’re hurting, Rosie. Perhaps there’s a reason why Jacob has re-entered your life after so long. Perhaps there’s some healing to be had.”
I shake my head adamantly. “Not going to happen.”
“Well,” he says, handing me a platter of delicately cut sandwiches. “I don’t think the universe agrees with you on that. Come on.”
Jase heads out the door to join the rest of the bridal party while I consider running back out the way I came, butwiththe sandwiches. Sucking in a deep breath of ‘man the fuck up,’ I follow Jase down the marble steps and onto the lawn.
I greet the other party guests with a smile because that’s all I can manage before handing over the platter to a server. Feeling awkward with nothing in my hands, I swipe a champagne glass off a passing tray and down half of it like it’s water. If I make the next three weeks without becoming an alcoholic, I’ll be doing well.
“Rosie,” Vicki calls, drawing Jacob’s attention. I feel his gaze on me which lasts longer than it should. Leaving her conversation with Katy, Vicki fast steps over, blocking Jacob’s view. My heart thuds painfully, my skin flushing, and I feel like I could easily faint. “I’m so glad you’ve decided to still be my main ho,” she says wrapping her arms around me. She squeezes me tightly before holding me at an arm’s distance. “Even hungover you still look gorgeous.”
“Your husband-to-be says I look like shit.”
“And he can be more ass than class.” Her playful jibe at her future husband’s expense makes me laugh. “Everyone’s all in the same boat. Well…” she nods over her shoulder toward Jacob, “… almost everyone. Rosie, you should go speak with him.”
“You two are going to be seeing a lot of each over the next few weeks.”
“I can avoid him.”
“Even staying in the same house at one point?”
Dammit.She’s right.
“Babe,” Vicki says gently. “He’s a good guy. Whatever you’re experiencing, he’s probably going through something also.”
“I highly doubt that.”