Even in the dark, I see his wicked smile. “I thought you might say that.” Kevin pulls his hand free and grips my face, squeezing his fingers in deep. Ignoring my pained pleas, he forcefully kisses me in a way that’s full of mockery and promise.
A promise to cause maximum destruction.
“It’s game on.”
Running down the deserted hall, the cleaning staff already gone home, I swipe angrily at the tears. I’m not crying because I’m upset. They’re tears of frustration because I longed to hurt Kevin as much as he’s hurt me. My footsteps echo until I push open the double doors and take off down the concrete steps. Halfway down, I look up, freezing mid-step, arms flaying to balance myself.
“No,” I say, feeling sucker-punched. I barely blink, and I no longer breathe as I watch with a thudding heart as Jacob holds Chelsea in his arms. Her own arms are wrapped tightly around his waist while he leans against his Dodge.
Angry tears give way to grief and sadness.
How can he do this to me after everything he’s pledged?
Through sobs, I grit my teeth, Kevin’s horrible words playing on repeat.“Guys like him belong with girls like Chelsea.”
I trusted him.
I was planning on giving him every piece of me.
A sickening knot in my gut forming when I consider that’s perhaps the reason why he’s fallen right back in with Chelsea. Because she wants to give herself freely to Jacob. She doesn’t care about cherishing the moment. At a party in someone else’s house with drunks banging on the door is her place of choice when having sex. Boys like Jacob need girls like Chelsea.
Why would he wait to have sex with me when he can get it so freely from her?
Forcing myself to move, I run the rest of the stairs, my legs moving at a pace that can carry me all the way home. Adrenaline kicks in, and the desire to put as much distance between Jacob and me as possible pushes me on.
I’m a fool.
A sucker.
A stupid girl who believed the web of lies spun to her.
You may have made me cry, Jacob, but you’ll never get the better of me again.
“Fuck!” I seethe, shaking my backpack close to my ear. Working my way back through each pocket, throwing books on the ground, I still turn up empty. “Where the hell are you?” I bark angrily at the non-existent keys. Wiping tears and snot from my face, I lean against the pillar and slump to the ground, eyeing the self-made mess in disdain.
My cell chimes, and I weakly read the message after seeing his name on the screen.
Jacob:Babe, where are you?
Me:Piss off!
“Fucker!” I curse under my breath.
I’m startled when the door swings open, and Dad appears on the threshold, brows knitted in confusion.
“Yep,” he starts. “I’ve been called many things in my life and that name definitely tops the list especially from my own daughter.”
“Sorry, Dad, I thought I said it quietly enough.”
“Loud enough for Mr. and Mrs. Jackson next door to hear.”
I shrug. “And I wasn’t talking about you.”