Page 52 of XO

Dad walks over the mess and extends a hand. “Come on then, you’re not some vagrant. Jump up.”

Accepting his help, I fall into his arms and hug him tight as his hand soothes my back.

“What did he do?” Dad asks quietly.

“He’s an asshole!”

“Okay, but why?”

“Because he’s used me…” I muffle into his shirt, “… and when he didn’t get what he wanted, he’s gone straight back to someone who will give it to him.”

Dad sighs. “I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and assume you’re talking about sex, and that you didn’t give him any.”

I nod and he hugs me tighter. “So, he’s gone back to Chelsea Campbell, and worst still, he thinks he can carry on with me as per usual.”

Dad gently pushes me back so he can wrap an arm around my shoulder. Guiding me over the mess, he says, “I couldn’t be prouder of you, Rosie. Hearing you say you didn’t just hand your body over on a silver platter tells me you’re far more mature than most.”

“But don’t you get it. Because I didn’t have sex with him, he now thinks I’m not good enough?”

We stop in the foyer and Dad lifts my chin, so I face him. “Nonsense. I don’t care if you have to wait until you’re thirty. When the right guy comes along and loves you for what’s in here first and foremost…” he taps the side of my head, “… then you’ll know he’s who you should commit all things to. But boys like Jacob Lynch… they’re used to girls throwing themselves at them. You deserve better than that and not just because you’re my daughter.”

“I know, I should have listened.” I decide to keep the altercation with Kevin to myself. It’s one thing confiding in my dad for comfort and another watching him commit murder.

Squeezing him tighter, it feels different. “Dad, you’re losing weight.”

“That’s a good thing, boo-boo. A few pounds won’t hurt.” He brushes off my statement with humor but underneath it all, we both know there’s a solid, inexcusable reason for it.

“I’m making pasta tonight,” I say, heading down the hall to the kitchen. “You pick the movie.” Stopping, I turn to add, “And don’t make it anything soppy. Something with killing will do just fine.”


Me:Mom, I know you and dad have your differences, but can’t you just work it out?

Me:It’s like he’s slowly dying on the inside.

Mom:Sweetie, there’s nothing wrong with your father. It’s just work. It’s always work.

Me:I’m not blind.

Mom:Watch your tone.

Me:Or else what? You’ll kick my ass from across the other side of the country?

Mom:Don’t tempt me.

Me:How can I tempt you into giving a shit about dad?

“Urgh!” My cell flies across the room and lands with a thud on the floor. Thirty minutes have passed with no response. She can deny it all she likes, but it’s obvious something is happening between her and Dad, and while it doesn’t seem to be affecting her, the stress of it is showing on my father.

“Rosie,” a muffled voice calls out.

Bolting upright, I stare at the face through the window.

Son of a…

“Go away,” I shout so he can hear beyond the pane of glass. He looks none-the-wiser when he screws his eyebrows together at what could possibly be wrong. Or more to the point, what he’s done wrong.

“Rosie, open up.”