Page 37 of Neverland

Chapter 10


“Give her something, I don’t care what. Just get her fucking coherent.” Dominic barked his order while once again pacing the room, this time like an agitated caged zoo animal.

Momma G huffed in annoyance. It didn’t help that she had quite the task in not only concealing my cuts and bruises, but also the large bite mark on Dominic’s cheek. She was shaking knowing the night carried with it a big deal to seal, and still terribly shaken from everything she’d witnessed during the week.

“You watching her the way you are isn’t fucking-well helping. So why don’t you fuck off and give the girl some peace?” When he didn’t move, she continued, “She doesn’t wanna see your ugly mug. So, go.”

Dominic threw his hands up, exasperated by the situation he was responsible for. Instead of leaving the office, he sat on the table’s edge and faced away.

“Yeah,” Momma G mumbled sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “That’s much better.”

I hadn’t slept in three days, too afraid to close my eyes because every time I did, I saw Blaze and Jonny, both their faces smothered in blood, both caught in a zombified daze, and both asking why I didn’t do more to help them. My grief had turned to hysteria, and hysteria had turned to nonsensical rambling. I was legitimately going crazy. My mind was trapped in a world where I could only see darkness, and the more Dominic was in my face about it, the more I retreated deeper into the dark abyss.

Momma G continued to rub my back, in slow, rhythmic circles while I rocked back and forth.

“Why don’t you find another girl to take tonight,” Momma G asked. “You have a whole club full of them. Why Lucy and with the state she’s in?”

Dominic resumed pacing. “If I wanted to take just any whore, I would. This meeting has been months in the planning and if I want the deal over the line, I need the right girl. I need someone to not only charm the fuck out of these cunts, but to also get them hard enough that they’ll want more.”

“She’s gonna be real fucking charming if you present her like this.”

Dominic swiped angrily at the desk lamp, sending it careering off the table and smashing into the wall. The bulb exploded in a flash of light before dimming the room. Momma G jumped and then again when Dominic himself blew up. “So give the bitch something to fucking settle her down. I need her coherent and looking alive.”

“Perhaps you should have thought about it before—” Momma G stopped herself before she landed in trouble. Her nostrils flared in frustration. “Dominic, you’re a real piece of work sometimes. Now you listen to me and listen well.” She waved her finger at him, just like a momma would. “You’re going to have to be real gentle with her tonight. You roughhouse her even just a little bit and the stitches will pull wide open again. Next thing, you’ll not only have a rambling crazy girl, but a bleeding one at that, and that’s not gonna secure any deal. So keep your fucking hands off her, do you hear me?”

“I won’t touch her,” he conceded, flatly.

“And I don’t know the type of men you’re dealing with tonight, but don’t let any of them touch her either. No doubt they’re just as criminal as you.”

“Jason,” I muttered.

Momma G turned to me. “Sweetheart, what was that?”

“Can you find Jason?”

“I don’t know who that is,” she cooed, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear.

Dominic’s eyes narrowed at my sudden request.

I didn’t know why I was even speaking at all. Nothing in my head made sense and it made even less sense coming from my mouth. “In VIP,” I implored attempting to stand. If I stayed, I was dead. The only thought running through my mind was that I needed to find Jason. I swayed unsteadily, Momma G grabbing both wrists and settling me back down.

“Where are you going?” Momma G asked, confusion knitting her brow.

“To find the white knight.”

“I don’t know who or what that is. Sit down, baby, you’re not well.”

“For fuck’s sake.” Dominic exhaled heavily, losing his patience. “Give her something already and make it quick, we’re leaving in twenty.”

“This is not a good idea, Dom.” Momma G unlocked a small toolbox and rifled through it until she found what she needed. Unwrapping a syringe, she jabbed it into a small vile of clear liquid, then pumped it until some spurted out. She wrapped a black cord around my arm and waited until she could see my vein. I’d never done drugs at any stage of my life, and while I saw it all the time with the other girls in the club, it was never something I wanted to get into. Being alert and present while Dominic stalked the shadows was always my priority in order to survive him. Now, however, I wasn’t going to refuse. I needed something. I needed something before I completely lost my mind.

Momma G was gentle, and as the drug coursed through my vein it was like a heavy, wet blanket was lifted off my soul and was no longer suffocating me. It made the hurt almost seem bearable, even if it would only last for a few hours. Momma G removed the tie and I fell back into the chair, Dominic watching with keen interest as my whole demeanor changed.

“She’s going to be dazed and a bit spacey but at least she won’t be rambling. It’s enough to numb her, but not enough to have her fall asleep. And as far as lively, intelligent conversation goes, that won’t be her strong point tonight.” She turned to Dominic, a small smile playing on her lips. “She might even like you for a few hours.”

He smirked. “I highly doubt that. Get her down to the car and I’ll be out soon.”