He smiled gleefully. “There she is.” Dominic released my hands and slid the Glock across the floor toward his desk. He lowered his lips to my ear, his erection pressing hard against my belly. “See, you’re just like me.” Unclasping my bra, he watched as the cups fell away revealing my breasts. “Do you know why I’ve never fucked you, Lucy?”
How was I meant to answer that? If I said the truth, that yes, I was shocked since he’d come so close to raping me on many occasions, then it would come across that I wanted it. If I said no, he might think I need a reminder. So, I chose silence.
“You see, some toys are meant to be played with,” he said, tracing a finger over my breasts, leaving my skin tingling in its wake. “They get used and abused and eventually, you lose interest because they’re no longer shiny and new. Other toys are made as collector items. They’re made so rare and so different, you don’t even want to remove their packaging. They’re to be kept high on a shelf and admired, so interest and their value are never lost.” He lowered his lips to my neck and kissed a passionate trail. “They’re never to be touched. Never to tarnish.”
Dominic helped himself to my panties, taking what he’s always said was his. His knuckles bruised my inner thighs in a fight to slide his fingers inside me. I panicked, but I couldn’t will my body to rebel. It had given up the fight and Dominic was taking full advantage it.
He pushed deeper, internally invading me. I squeezed my eyes closed against the sensation as his lips continued trailing down my neck. Angry and humiliated, I found the last bit of fight I possessed.
With Dominic’s face close to mine, the temptation was too great for me not to act. I kissed his cheek like I meant it. The sudden demonstration of affection caught him off-guard and he seemed momentarily confused. Never had I voluntarily made a move or responded to his advances, a level of distrust evident in his questioning eyes. Caving to his weakness, Dominic played along, kissing me passionately and for the first time ever, I accepted his tongue. I returned the gesture, hips rising to meet his, my legs spreading further apart so he could settle between.
“I want to fuck you so bad, my cock aches like a motherfucker,” he murmured against my lips, unwillingly showing me a moment of weakness. He kissed me hard, groaning against my mouth, and I waited for the perfect moment. A moment where he was so lost in the world he’d created, he wouldn’t see it coming. He kissed his way over my face and it was then I stole my chance. I bit down hard on his cheek, holding until I could taste his blood. It made me thirst for it, for his pain.
Once again, he hit me where it hurt, pressing his thumb into the bullet hole. I released him and he pulled away from me, ready to strike.
Dominic swung, backhanding my cheek until I saw stars. “You stupid fucking bitch!” he seethed, a satisfying amount of blood weeping from his cheek. He touched two fingers to his face and pulled away to inspect the thick blood coating the tips. “You think you can play me for a fool?”
I laughed. Not because I found what he said particularly funny, but because I’d reached a point of no return. I’d reached a point where I was losing my mind, and no matter how much the monster tried to break mentally and physically, he couldn’t. There was nothing else left to take because I no longer cared if I lived or died.
“The fuck are you laughing at?” he asked, incredulous.
I laughed harder, the tears I cried coming from my heavy heart. Is this what it feels like to give up?
Another backhand, this time it was fully loaded with spite and contempt. My mouth filled with blood, his and mine, mixing together as a cruel reminder of how our lives were so sordidly infused.
“Just kill me already. Kill me just like you did Blaze,” I said, using his words against him. “Put the gun to my head and pull the damn trigger.”
Dominic placed a hand either side of my face and stared deep into my tortured soul. “I fantasize about killing you as much as I do fucking you.” He let the weight of his words sink in. I knew the reality of it. The way he stared told me it wouldn’t be a quick death. It would be torture and he’d revel in every second of it. “It gets me hard thinking of how my hands around your throat could steal your last breath. It makes me cum just hearing you beg me to take your life, like your existence depends entirely on my actions. Yeah, I wanna kill you bad, Lucy. But once I do it, there’s no turning back. And I have no intention of throwing out my rare collector’s item.” He smiled and stroked my bruised cheek. “Not just yet anyway.”