Page 87 of The Re-Proposal

I show up at her apartment with a contract.

If she screams at me, I’ll just tell her I forgot to sign this and it needs to be done tonight.

Is it a flimsy excuse? Yes.

Do I care?

Hell no.

“Clarissa.” I ring the doorbell again. When that doesn’t work, I pound on the door.

“Who is it?” Her voice sounds feeble.

My shoulders tighten. “It’s me.”

The door opens a crack. I can only see a sliver of her eye behind the chain lock.

“Cody? What are you…” She winces as if talking hurts. “What are you doing here?”

“Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be okay?” The one eye that I can see glances down.

Something’s not right. I canfeelit.

I lift the document. “I have something for you to sign. It’s the official contract between me and the Do More Project.”

“Why do we need a contract?”

“To make things more official. This way, you and Ms. Phoebe know I won’t change my mind.”

“And it needs to be signed right now? Right this minute?”

I nod.

“Cody, do you know what time it is?”

“You didn’t answer your phone.” I soften my voice. “Were you sleeping?”

“Trying to.” The eyeball slides down again.

I remember that Clarissa’s sensitive to bright lights, but when I arrived, the lights under her door were on. It strikes me as odd that she would leave the living room lights on while going to bed. Or was she trying to fall asleep in such a bright environment?

“Can we do this tomorrow?”

“It can’t wait. It needs to be notarized the moment the courts open.”

“Okay. Slide it through here.” She wiggles her fingers in the crack.

“It needs a witness.” I’m lying through my teeth, but something about her voice and the way she’s hiding from me screams that my methods are necessary.

Clarissa isn’t the type to be shy. Especially if she’s annoyed.

My sudden appearance at her apartment is the perfect opportunity for her to rake me through the coals.

Normally, she’d scold me for overstepping.

Or scowl at me with her face on full display.