Clay enters the kitchen at that moment. “What are you two whispering about?”
“Cody’s love life. What else?”
Clay slips an arm around her. “What love life? As far as I can tell, Clarissa is doing the smart thing and staying the hell away from him.”
I flip my brother off.
Island laughs.
“I never told you about Clarissa.” I tilt my chin up. “Did you do a background check?”
“After the way you glared at me when I switched seats with her at the farmhouse, did you think I’d need a background check?”
I stare him down.
He cracks. “Fine. I did a tiny background check.” Clay lifts his fingers an inch apart.
“I swear, Clay, you have no boundaries.” Island narrows her eyes at him. Swiveling to me, she shares, “Did you know that when we first started dating, hespiedon me through the security cameras in my salon?”
I shudder. “That’s some serial killer behavior.”
My brother reddens. “We’re not talking about me. We’re talking about you.”
“I’m so curious.” Island leans forward, brown eyes twinkling. “What happened between you two? When Clarissa mentioned she was engaged to a jerk, I never thought it was you.”
“Yeah, well, these things happen.”
“Canceling a wedding just ‘happens’? With a snap of the fingers?”
“I was an idiot.” I pour myself another glass of scotch. “I’m not an idiot anymore.”
Clay snorts.
Island tilts her head thoughtfully. “I hope Clarissa’s okay.”
“Why wouldn’t she be?”
“I was supposed to have a meeting with her today, but she cancelled.”
“Did she say why?” I hold my breath.
“She said she wasn’t feeling well.”
“What’s wrong with her?” My voice is hard. I slam my cup on the counter, every bone in my body tense.
“Calm down, Superman. I’m sure it wasn’t anything serious. She promised we’d get in touch later. I was just checking if you knew anything.”
I don’t know anything.
But I sure as hell plan on finding out.
* * *
Clarissa isn’t pickingup her phone.
So I do the next best non-stalkery thing.