Page 92 of Fiery Romance

I promised I’d stay with him all day.

And a vow is a vow.

Since matters seem to be well in hand and Clay is busy, I call Amy and work over the phone with her. Having a personal assistant is amazing and I just might approach Amy to stay on with me even after Clay yanks away his support.

By the time everything is finished with the police, it’s time to pick up Regan from school.

“I completely forgot,” Clay says, nearly bashing his head on the car door with shock.

“Okay, first. I need you to dial it down.” I reach through the window and take his face between my palms because it feels natural to do so. Bringing his head back down, I lean forward until my forehead is almost against his.

“Breathe, Bolton. You can’t send your heart rate up like that. You could hurt yourself.”

It’s funny. Clay Bolton can handle hostile situations and all-out gun fights without batting an eye, but when it’s about his kids, the man loses his cool entirely.

“Regan is waiting. We need to move.”

“Don’t worry. I called her teacher and asked her to keep an eye on Regan for a bit. She’s really sweet and agreed.”

Relief spreads through his eyes. “Thank you.”

I smile slightly. “This is your battlefield. Taking care of Regan is mine. So can you relax, soldier?”

He takes one of my hands, turns his head towards it and presses a tired kiss against my wrist.

My heart leaps and I wonder if he can feel my pulse thudding just beneath my skin.

Does he still see Anya in this situation? Is that why he’s being so soft with me?

Unnerved, I pull my hand away and let out a stilted laugh. “Step back.”


I shoo him and he shuffles back a couple paces. Opening the door, I step out and gesture for him to take my seat.

He stares at me like I’ve sprouted a tail.

“Get in. I’m driving,” I explain.

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.” I nudge him forward. “It’s time for you to shadow me, Bolton.”

His blue eyes sparkle a bit and he gives in.

On the way to Regan’s school, Clay closes his eyes and relaxes. I want to fill the silence with chatter. I want to ask what he’s thinking. I want to know if having me on that mission brought back memories of his wife.

But I shut my mouth.

I drive to Regan’s school and watch her almost explode when she sees that both Clay and I are here to pick her up.

I notice Clay tuck his exhaustion away and shower her with affection.

I listen to their back and forth.

I laugh at the appropriate moments and smile at others.

I let Regan’s little-girl chatter disguise the slight shake in my hand and the doubts clawing at my heart.