Page 93 of Fiery Romance

When it’s time to change vehicles and go our separate ways, I ask Clay if Abe’s play practice is today, find out it’s tomorrow and beat a hasty retreat with Regan in my arms.

Clay’s eyes remain on me, but I don’t look back.

I refuse to.

I’m willing to admit there’s an attraction here. I’m even willing to admit it’s mutual. But I have a relationship with Taz that I spent years building.

And Clay’s still fighting back memories of his wife.

Maybe I give in to the feelings.

Maybe I let the growly bear wrap me in his arms.

But it won’t last.

We’re two complicated people with complicated pasts and if we don’t work out, it’s not just us that’ll burn.

I glance at a smiling Regan and remember her request to find her dad a new mommy.

My heart clenches painfully.

More than anything, I won’t start something doomed to fail and I won’t let these precious children get hurt.




I pace the living room,rotating my personal cell in my hands. I just put Regan to sleep. While tucking her in, she made sure to mention how much she liked seeingbothme and Island picking her up from school.

And then she not so subtly added that I should do that again.

‘Alright, understood. Time to sleep, sweet pea.’



‘Don’t you like Island?’

‘Well, uh…’

‘If you like her, show her your bedroom. I heard girls like when you do bedroom things.’

After receiving that horrifically adult advice from mysix year old, I was sure of one thing—whether she’d heard that kind of talk from the guys at the warehouse or from the women in the salon, I’d askeveryoneto keep their conversations PG-rated when Regan’s around.

My socked feet shift on a dime and I march the other way. It’s been a long, eventful day and I’m worried about Island.

She seemed to handle the wild events pretty well, but I’m not taking that at face value. Just like her smiles can hide her iron fist, her strength can hide her vulnerabilities.

Besides, it was her first time out on the field. Even for hardened warriors, the reality often doesn’t hit until later. I don’t want her suffering alone.

I lift the cell and hover my thumb on her number.

And then I shake my head. Pace the other way.

I’m usually more decisive than this, but I’m torn. What if I wake her just as she’d been about to fall asleep? It’s tough finding rest after a day like this and if I disturb her…