Page 169 of Fiery Romance

“Don’t be sorry.” I shuffle around. My eyes meet hers. “The only thing I’m good at is fighting. And it’ll be an honor to fight for you.”

* * *

I wonderedhow and when I would meet the infamous Taz. I didn’t expect it to be so soon and I certainly didn’t expect it to be at Island’s salon.

“She’s not here,” Amy says, her face a peculiar shade of tomato as her eyes dart between me and Taz. “Island went to finalize the details for the award ceremony.”

“What award ceremony?” I ask.

Taz swivels to me. “Island throws an award ceremony for all her technicians and franchise owners. Didn’t you know that?”

I do not engage. For one thing, it would be an unfair fight. The man looks like a small gust of wind could blow him away.

For another, punching him means I find him intimidating in some way.

And I do not.

Even if I did, I wouldn’t want him to know that.

War isn’t always blood and gun fights. Sometimes, it’s waiting for the right moment to strike.

“Can you give these to her?” Taz hands a bouquet of flowers over the counter. “She’ll know who it’s from.”

“They’re beautiful,” Amy says. “I’ll relay the message.”

I make a mental note to tell Amy to dump the flowers later. After all, she works for me. Not this bastard.

Taz spears me with a disgusted look as if he knows my thoughts. Without a word, he crashes through the salon doors.

“Did you also need to leave flowers—I mean, not flowers but anything—did you need to leave anything for Island, Mr. Bolton?” A blush blazes across her cheeks.

“No. I’ll wait until she returns.” I nod my approval. “By the way, Island says you’ve taken a burden off her shoulders. She’s very pleased and so am I. Keep up the good work.”

Amy blushes harder. “Thanks. I love working with Island. She feels like a friend. Not that I’ve forgotten she’s my boss or anything—”

I stop her nervous ramble and leave before her face gets any redder.

To my surprise, Taz is waiting for me outside. He straightens when he sees me and walks over with his chest puffed out.

“Clay Bolton, right?”

I notice Palinsky tensing at the door.

I lift a hand, a silent instruction to stand down.

“I debated whether I’d even acknowledge you,” Taz says, looking me up and down. “What Island and I did during our break doesn’t concern our future.”

I fight the urge to crush him like a bug. It’s not because I’m jealous. It’s because he hurt her. He made Island doubt herself, made her question whether she was worth being someone’s priority.

I may not be the best man in the world, but I do know that when a man loves a woman, he doesn’t cheat on her. No matter what he’s gone through, his form of therapy shouldn’t be dumping her and bedding someone else.

Taz sticks a finger into his sweater vest. “I want to make one thing clear. Island ismywoman.”

“Is she?”

I applaud him fortryingto sound intimidating. If he’s fighting me for Island, he might as well make an effort.

“She’s going to be my wife someday.”